Technical Notes
My Technical Notes (4)
MB-TCH-001 An INMOS serial link in VHDL
MB-TCH-002 Transputer versions
MB-TCH-003 LINKUSB Hardware description: A device driver writer's guide
MB-TCH-004 LINKUSB Software description: An application writer's guide
INMOS Notes (55)
72-TCH-000 A transputer based radio-navigation system
72-TCH-001 Extraordinary use of transputer links
72-TCH-002 The transputer based navigation system - testing embedded systems
72-TCH-003 Getting started with the TDS
72-TCH-004 TDS EPROM programming
72-TCH-005 Program design for concurrent systems
72-TCH-006 IMS T800 architecture
72-TCH-007 Exploiting concurrency: a ray tracing example
72-TCH-008 IMS B010 NEC add-in board
72-TCH-009 Designing with the IMS T414 and IMS T800 memory interface
72-TCH-010 IMS B003 Design of a multi-transputer board
72-TCH-011 IMS B004 IBM PC add-in board
72-TCH-012 IMS B007 A transputer based graphics board
72-TCH-013 Transputer networks using the IMS B003
72-TCH-014 IMS B006 A single board computer using 9 IMS T212 transputers
72-TCH-015 IMS B005 Design of a disk controller board with drives
72-TCH-016 Occam program development using the IMS D700D transputer development system
72-TCH-017 Performance maximisation
72-TCH-018 Connecting INMOS links
72-TCH-019 Designs and applications for the IMS C004
72-TCH-020 Communicating processes and occam
72-TCH-021 The transputer implementation of occam
72-TCH-022 Communicating process computers
72-TCH-023 Compiling occam into silicon
72-TCH-024 Exploring multiple transputer arrays
72-TCH-026 Notes on graphics support and performance improvements on the IMS T800
72-TCH-027 Lies, damned lies and benchmarks
72-TCH-028 Occam input and output procedures for the TDS
72-TCH-029 Dual inline transputer modules (TRAMs)
72-TCH-031 Configuring occam programs
72-TCH-032 Security aspects of occam 2 (= The development of occam 2)
72-TCH-033 Analysing transputer networks
72-TCH-034 Loading transputer networks
72-TCH-036 A transputer based multi-user flight simulator
72-TCH-037 High-performance graphics with the IMS T800
72-TCH-038 Implementing data structures in occam
72-TCH-039 Long arithmetic on the transputer
72-TCH-046 A transputer based distributed graphics display
72-TCH-047 The role of occam in the design of the IMS T800
72-TCH-049 Module motherboard architecture
72-TCH-050 Using the IMS M212 with the MS-DOS operating system
72-TCH-051 Simpler real-time programming with the transputer
72-TCH-052 Porting SPICE to the INMOS IMS T800 transputer
72-TCH-053 Some issues in scientific-language application porting and farming using transputers
72-TCH-054 A transputer farm accelerator for networked computing facilities
72-TCH-055 Using the D705B toolset with non-occam applications
72-TCH-056 Example programs in the TDS
72-TCH-057 Using transputers as embedded controllers
72-TCH-058 Using transputers from EPROM
72-TCH-061 Support for debugging/breakpointing in transputers
72-TCH-062 The design of a high resolution system using the IMS G300 Colour Video Controller
72-TCH-065 Global positioning by satellite
72-TCH-066 An introduction to using the B419 graphics TRAM
72-TCH-068 Developing parallel C programs for transputers ... Source:
72-TCH-070 Connecting 100MBaud T9000 transputer links
The following INMOS Notes are unknown or has never been published: 25, 30, 35, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 48, 59, 60, 63, 64, 67, 69, 71 and higher