This is a picture of my first transputer. In the strict sense it's not really true, because only one half of this processor belongs to me. In 1991 when I was a student at the Vienna University of Technology (TU Vienna) a friend and I decided to build a transputer system. At this time we were short of money and transputers were costly. So we pooled expenses, not only for this transputer, but also for the dynamic RAM, the board manufacturing and all the other stuff. We built our own link adapter, created our first assembler, developed our first programs and so on. It was a great time.
Later I used a transputer as an embedded controller for the demo device of my diploma thesis [SCSI-2 Target Macro for FPGAs]. Develop, download and test. Very short cycle times. Today this sounds easy, but at that time burning EPROM's were commonly used. And to have a "printf" debug output of your embedded program was half the battle.
This topic fell asleep until 2004, when I tried to reanimate the first project to fill in a rainy weekend. It took 5 hours. Forgotten base address, unknown jumper functions and a removed oscillator (for my demo device) were the main pitfalls. In search of software I found comprehensive websites about transputers and eBay helps me to extend my document and hardware pool. Since then I can't disengage from this subject and it is now my major indoor hobby. In the meantime, I own more than a half transputer. A meaningful number isn't easy to say, so for now - it's my little secret.
Thanks to everyone who helped me to collect all those things, sometimes real valuable goodies even cost-free and last but not least my family, which supports me in this great venture.
What you will find here...
- Documentation...
- Documentation...
- Documentation
I hope to continuously extend this point. It should be the primary content of this website. Most of the documents will be available in an online and an offline (PDF) version.
The list is not exhaustive. It's mainly related to my real library.
Remember: Every occurrence ofis a link to a PDF!
- Information about my past transputer related projects.
- Information about my currently running transputer projects
- Maybe some ideas about future transputer projects.
- Software which I have developed for my projects.
What you will NOT find here...
- Compiler, TDS, Helios or other commercial products.
- Almost everything from Ram Meenakshisundaram's transputer archive.
- Source code from my software projects.