Helios Books
Prentice Hall:
ISBN-10 0-13-386004-3 The Helios Operating System (Perihelion Software Ltd) - 1989
ISBN-10 0-13-381237-5 The Helios Parallel Operating System (Perihelion Software Ltd) - 1991
Perihelion Software Ltd:
The Helios Installation Guide - June 1991
The Helios Shell - September 1991
The Ethernet I Guide - March 1991
The Ethernet II Guide - February 1992
The Helios File Server Installation Information - November 1990
The Helios File Server Manual - October 1990
The Helios Standalone Support - September 1991
The Helios Microsoft Windows Server - 1992
The Helios X Windows System Manual - May 1991
Perihelion Software Technical Report:
No. 1 - The Helios PC Server
No. 2 - Helios - A Distributed Operating System
No. 3 - CDL - A Distributed Language
No. 5 - Use of Transputer Links from Helios
No. 6 - The Helios RS232 Device
No. 7 - A Helios Standalone Server
No. 8 - Writing a Helios Server
No. 9 - Helios Support for 2D Block Moves
No. 10 - The Helios I/O Server
No. 11 - Adding Devices to the Helios I/O Server
No. 12 - The MiniServer and ServerTask
No. 13 - Use of the Transputer Event Line from Helios
No. 14 - Porting the Helios I/O Server
No. 15 - Using CDL
No. 17 - Upgrading from Helios 1.0 to 1.1
Parsytec GmbH:
Parsytec Helios 1.1 Delivery Manual - September 1989
Parsytec Helios File System V1.1 - September 1989
Parsytec Helios-MultiTool Server for MultiTool 5.0 V2.10 - November 1989
Parsytec Helios Application Guide (including Helios 1.15 Release Notes) - January 1990
Parsytec Helios Ethernet V1.2 - October 1991
Parsytec File System User’s Guide V2.1 - August 2013