IMS B016 VMEbus Master/Slave Board

The IMS B016 is a very high performance VMEbus master/slave board suited to all applications requiring fast data throughput between a transputer network and VMEbus peripherals. The board incorporates a 32-bit transputer processor, local RAM, peripherals and interface circuitry for efficient communication between the transputer and other VMEbus boards. It is designed to give as flexible and efficient interface between the VMEbus and transputers as current technology allows.
Sustained transfer rates in excess of 15Mbytes/s are achievable, given a fast VMEbus system. The IMS T801 on-board is capable of 12.5 MIPS (sustained) and has its own private fast SRAM for speed-critical code and data.
Dual access RAM memory is provided for access by both the transputer and other VMEbus Masters. The transputer, an IMS T801, can perform Master accesses to other VMEbus slaves. It can also interrupt other VMEbus Interrupt Handlers and itself handle VMEbus interrupts.
The IMS B016, through its use of the VIC VMEbus Interface Chip, provides the capability to use almost all of the features of the VMEbus. In particular, in slave mode, the card supports BLT (Block Transfer) cycles, RMW (read-modify-write) cycles and UAT (unaligned) cycles. It also functions correctly in a system containing location monitors and performing address pipelining. Write posting is supported for both slave and master accesses.
- VMEbus VIC interface chip
- IMS T801-25 or IMS T801-20 transputer
- 4 INMOS 20Mbits/sec links for direct conection to transputer networks
- Byte multiplexor between T801 and VMEbus allows fast byte reordering to overcome endian incompatibiities
- 256Kbytes private transputer SRAM (8ns cycle)
- 4Mbytes DRAM dual-ported between IMS T801 and VMEbus
- 256Kbytes of Flash ROM programmable with boot code for transputer
- Full VMEbus interrupter and interrupt handler
- Real Time clock for time of day
- 2 RS232 serial ports using a 2681 DUART

VIC068A VMEbus Interface Controller Datasheet
Frequently Asked Questions about the VMEbus Products
Features of the VIC068A VMEbus Interface Controller
Initialization and Use of VIC068A/VIC64 Registers
VMEbus Interface Handbook from Cypress
VMEbus Specification Manual - Revision C.1, October 1985, Third Printing
DP8572A/DP8572AM Real Time Clock (RTC)
Calibration of the DP8570A Family - AN-588
DP8570A Timer Clock Peripheral Test Mode and Test Considerations - AN-589
DP8570A Experiments to Test the Low Battery Bit or Generate a Periodic Interrupt - AN-894
SCN2681 Dual asynchronous receiver/transmitter (DUART)
SCN2681T Dual asynchronous receiver/transmitter (DUART)
SCN2681/SCN68681 and SCC2691 data communications - AN-405
28F512 - 512K (64K x 8) CMOS Flash Memory
Guide to First Generation Flash Memory Reprogramming - AP-325
Flash Memory Write Protection Techniques - AP-374
Programming the B016's Flash-Roms - Feb 2002