Transputer Development and iq Systems Databook
Second Edition 1991
INMOS document number: 72-TRN-219-01
500 Pages
© INMOS Limited 1991. INMOS reserves the right to make changes in specifications at any time and without notice. The information furnished by INMOS in this publication is believed to be accurate; however, no responsibility is assumed for its use, nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties resulting from its use. No license is granted under any patents, trademarks or other rights of INMOS.

Development tools and system products are important and developing areas of application for INMOS devices. The Transputer Development and iq Systems Databook has been published to provide detailed information on the INMOS product range.
The databook comprises an overview, engineering data and applications information for the current range of development tools and systems products.
INMOS provide a wide range of development tools including compilers, toolsets and development kits. A diverse range of software is also available. INMOS systems products provide powerful development platforms for system designers interested in high density, high performance, design simplicity and cost effectiveness.
In addition to development tools and systems products, the INMOS product range also includes transputer products and high performance graphics devices. For further information concerning INMOS products please contact your local SGS-THOMSON sales outlet.
Preface 1 System Products overview 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Innovation and Quality 1.3 TRAMS (TRAnsputer Modules) 1.3.1 Standard Interface 1.3.2 Upgradability 1.3.3 Flexibility 1.3.4 Evaluation 1.4 Quality and Reliability
Development Systems
Software Development Tools
2 occam 2 Toolset 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Mapping occam Programs Onto Transputer Networks 2.3 Product Overview 2.3.1 occam 2 development system 2.3.2 Libraries occam compiler library snglmath.lib, dblmath.lib tbmaths.lib string.lib hostio.lib streamio.lib msdos.lib crc.lib convert.lib xlink.lib debug.lib 2.3.3 Mixed language programs 2.3.4 Debugging Interactive symbolic debugging Post-mortem symbolic debugging T425 simulation 2.3.5 Optimised code generation 2.3.6 Assembler inserts 2.3.7 D700 transputer development system support 2.3.8 Improvements over previous releases 2.4 occam Toolset Product Components 2.4.1 Documentation 2.4.2 Software Tools 2.4.3 Software libraries 2.4.4 Source code 2.5 Product Variants 2.5.1 IMS D7205 IBM PC and NEC PC version Operating requirements Distribution media 2.5.2 IMS D6205 VAX VMS version Operating requirements Distribution media 2.5.3 IMS D5205 Sun 3 version, IMS D4205 Sun 4 version Operating requirements Distribution media 2.6 Licensing Information 2.7 Problem Reporting And Field Support 3 ANSI C Toolset 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Product Overview 3.2.1 How programs are built 3.2.2 ANSI C compilation system Compiler operation ANSI conformance Optimised code generation Libraries Mixed language programs Assembler inserts 3.2.3 Target systems 3.2.4 Support for parallelism 3.2.5 Debugging T425 simulation Interactive symbolic debugging Post-mortem symbolic debugging 3.2.6 Improvements over previous releases 3.3 ANSI C Toolset Product Components 3.3.1 Documentation 3.3.2 Software Tools 3.3.3 Software libraries 3.4 Product Variants 3.4.1 IMS D7214 IBM PC version Operating requirements Distribution media 3.4.2 IMS D6214 VAX VMS version Operating requirements Distribution media 3.4.3 IMS D5214 Sun 3 version, IMS D4214 Sun 4 version Operating requirements Distribution media 3.5 Error Reporting And Field Support 4 Glockenspiel C++ 4.1 Product Overview 4.1.1 C++ 4.1.2 Use with the INMOS ANSI C toolset 4.2 Glockenspiel C++ Product Components 4.2.1 Documentation 4.2.2 Software tools 4.2.3 Software Libraries 4.3 Product Variants 4.3.1 IMS D7217 IBM PC version Cross-development operating requirements Native development operating requirements Distribution media 4.3.2 IMS D6214 VAX VMS version Cross-development operating requirements Native development operating requirements Distribution media Licensing variants 4.3.3 IMS D5217 Sun 3 version Cross-development operating requirements Native development operating requirements Distribution media Licensing variants 4.3.4 IMS D4217 Sun 4 version Cross-development operating requirements Native development operating requirements Licensing variants Distribution media 4.4 Error Reporting And Field Support 5 ANSI FORTRAN 77 Toolset 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Product Overview 5.2.1 How programs are built 5.2.2 ANSI FORTRAN compilation system Compiler operation ANSI conformance Optimised code generation Run-Time System Mixed language programs 5.2.3 Target systems 5.2.4 Support for parallelism 5.2.5 Debugging T425 simulation Interactive symbolic debugging Post-mortem symbolic debugging 5.2.6 Improvements over previous releases 5.3 ANSI FORTRAN Toolset Product Components 5.3.1 Documentation 5.3.2 Software Tools 5.4 Product Variants 5.4.1 IMS D7216 IBM PC version Operating requirements Distribution media 5.4.2 IMS D6216 VAX VMS version Operating requirements Distribution media 5.4.3 IMS D5216 Sun 3 version, IMS D4214 Sun 4 version Operating requirements Distribution media 5.5 Error Reporting And Field Support 6 ALSYS Ada Compiler 6.1 Product Overview 6.2 Product Highlights 6.2.1 Supports easy implementation of distributed Ada applications 6.2.2 Efficient sharing of Ada Libraries 6.2.3 Generates high performance, compact application code Ada Code Generation Floating point support Ada Run Time Supports low level programming features 6.2.4 Increased development productivity 6.2.5 Advanced debugging support 6.2.6 Ada predefined Input and Output 6.2.7 Transfers the loadable Ada program to the target 6.3 The Alsys Ada Compilation System 6.4 Ada Compiler Toolset Product Components 6.4.1 Documentation User's Guide Project Development Guide Installation Guide Ada Reference Manual Appendix F Application Developer's Guide 6.4.2 Software Components 6.5 Product Variants 6.5.1 IBM PC Alsys Ada Compiler Operating requirements Distribution media 6.5.2 VAX VMS Alsys Ada Compiler Operating requirements Distribution media 6.6 Customer Support And Upgrade Services 6.7 Alsys And Ada Alsys Offices and Addresses
Transputer Development Kits
7 Transputer Development Kits 7.1 Transputer Development Kits
Systems Software
Board Support Software
8 IMS F000B VecTRAM library 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Product Overview 8.3 Using IMS F000B 8.3.1 Incorporation into a C program 8.3.2 Incorporation into an occam program 8.4 Supplied Routines 8.4.1 Vector Absolute Value - Real 8.4.2 Vector Addition - Real 8.4.3 Vector Compare - Real 8.4.4 Disable Co-processor Error Flags 8.4.5 Vector Division - Real 8.4.6 Vector Dot Product - Complex 8.4.7 Vector Dot Product - Real 8.4.8 Enable Co-processor Error Interrupts 8.4.9 Fast Fourier Transform - Complex 8.4.10 Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filter 8.4.11 Vector Floating Point to Integer (16-bit) Conversion 8.4.12 Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) Filter - Complex 8.4.13 Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) Filter - Real 8.4.14 Matrix Multiplication - Complex 8.4.15 Matrix Multiplication - Real 8.4.16 Inverse Fast Fourier Transform - Complex 8.4.17 Vector Integer(16-bit) to 32-bit floating-point Conversion 8.4.18 Vector Log to the base 10 - Real 8.4.19 Vector Magnitude - Complex 8.4.20 Vector Magnitude Square - Complex 8.4.21 Find the Element with the Maximum Value and Its Position - Real 8.4.22 Vector Mean - Real 8.4.23 Find the Element with the Minimum Value and Its Position - Real 8.4.24 Vector Move - Bytes 8.4.25 Vector Move - Words (32-bit) 8.4.26 Vector Multiply - Complex 8.4.27 Vector Multiply - Real 8.4.28 Vector Power - Real 8.4.29 Modify Co-processor Rounding Mode 8.4.30 Vector Scale - Real 8.4.31 Vector Square Root - Real 8.4.32 Vector Subtract - Real 8.5 Environment 8.6 IMS F000B Product Components 8.6.1 Distribution media 8.6.2 Documentation 8.7 Error Reporting And Field Support 8.8 References 9 IMS F001B GPIB libraries 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Product Overview 9.2.1 IMS F001B command format Summary of the IMS F001B commands 9.2.2 Using IMS F001B 9.3 Operating environment 9.4 IMS F001 B Product Components 9.4.1 Distribution media 9.4.2 Documentation 9.5 Error Reporting And Field Support 10 IMS F002B SCSI libraries 10.1 Introduction 10.1.1 SCSI overview 10.2 Product Overview 10.2.1 IMS B422 Device Driver 10.2.2 Initialisation Interface 10.2.3 Initiator Mode Interface Common Command Set 10.2.4 Target Mode Interface 10.2.5 Diagnostic tests 10.2.6 Initialisation Interfaces 10.3 Incorporation into a user program Incorporation of initiator mode into a user program 10.4 Simple Initiator mode example Configuration 10.5 List of supplied procedures 10.6 Performance 10.7 Compatibility 10.8 Operating environment 10.9 IMS F002B Product Components 10.9.1 Distribution media 10.9.2 Documentation 10.10 Error Reporting And Field Support 10.11 References 11 IMS F003A 2D Graphics libraries 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Product Overview 11.2.1 Summary of the IMS F003 commands 11.3 Using IMS F003 11.4 IMS F003 Product Components 11.4.1 Distribution media 11.4.2 Documentation 11.4.3 Operating environment 11.5 Error Reporting And Field Support 12 IMS F007A DSP libraries and development tools 12.1 Introduction 12.2 Product Overview 12.2.1 Library usage 12.2.2 intgen - VecTRAM Interface Generation Utility Running the intgen utility 12.2.3 ivtlink - VecTRAM Linker 12.3 Supplied Routines 12.4 Environment 12.5 IMS F007A Product Components 12.5.1 Distribution media 12.5.2 Documentation 12.6 Error Reporting And Field support 12.7 References 12.8 Ordering Information 13 Device Drivers and Motherboard Support Software 13.1 Product overview 13.1.1 Device driver 13.1.2 INMOS server 13.1.3 Transputer mapping software 13.1.4 Switch setting support 13.2 Product components summary 13.2.1 Documentation User manual 13.2.2 Software Device driver INMOS iserver (with sources) Transputer mapping tool Motherboard switch-setting software 13.3 Product variants 13.3.1 General operating requirements 13.3.2 Distribution media IMS S217 IMS S308 IMS S708 IMS S514 13.4 OEM support 14 Network Support Software 14.1 Introduction 14.2 Product Overview 14.2.1 Connecting transputers to computer networks 14.2.2 Capabilities 14.2.3 System configuration 14.2.4 Support for INMOS development tools 14.2.5 Support for INMOS Ethernet connection system (IMS B300) 14.2.6 Support for mixed networks of machines 14.3 Product Component Summary 14.3.1 Documentation User Manual 14.3.2 Software Extended INMOS iserver Connection server INMOS Ethernet box configuration program 14.4 Product Variants 14.4.1 IMS S707 IBM PC Operating requirements Boards supported Distribution media 14.4.2 IMS S607 VAX VMS Operating requirements Distribution media 14.4.3 IMS S507 Sun 3 and Sun 4 Operating requirements Boards supported Distribution media 14.5 Error Reporting And Field Support
Real Time Kernels and Operating Systems
15 VRTX32/T Real-time Executive 15.1 Overview Deterministic Performance Distributed Environment Support 16 C Executive 16.1 C Executive For The Transputer 16.2 Benefits Of C Executive 16.3 CE-VIEW 16.4 Documentation 16.5 Availability 16.6 Licensing 16.7 How To Order
Hardware Products
TRAnsputer Modules (TRAMS)
17 IMS B401 32Kbyte TRAM 17.1 IMS B401 TRAM engineering data 17.1.1 Introduction 17.1.2 Pin descriptions 17.1.3 Standard TRAM signals notError (pin 11) LinkspeedA and LinkspeedB (pins 6 and 7) Link signals 17.1.4 Memory configuration Location of external memory 17.1.5 Mechanical details 17.1.6 Installation 17.1.7 Specification 17.1.8 Ordering Information 18 IMS B416 64Kbyte TRAM 18.1 IMS B416 TRAM engineering data 18.1.1 Introduction 18.1.2 Pin descriptions 18.1.3 Standard TRAM signals notError (pin 11) LinkspeedA and LinkspeedB (pins 6 and 7) Link signals 18.1.4 Memory configuration 18.1.5 Mechanical details 18.1.6 Installation 18.1.7 Specification 18.1.8 Ordering Information 19 IMS B410 160Kbyte TRAM 19.1 IMS B410 TRAM engineering data 19.1.1 Description 19.1.2 Pin descriptions 19.1.3 Standard TRAM signals notError (pin 11) LinkspeedA and LinkspeedB (pins 6 and 7) Link signals 19.1.4 Memory configuration 19.1.5 Mechanical details 19.1.6 Installation 19.1.7 Specification 19.1.8 Ordering Information 20 IMS B411 1MbyteTRAM 20.1 IMS B411 TRAM engineering data 20.1.1 Description 20.1.2 Pin descriptions 20.1.3 Standard TRAM signals notError (pin 11) LinkSpeedA and LinkSpeedB (pins 6 and 7) Link signals 20.1.4 Memory configuration 20.1.5 Mechanical details 20.1.6 Installation 20.1.7 Specification 20.1.8 Ordering Information 21 IMS B404 2Mbyte TRAM 21.1 IMS B404 TRAM engineering data 21.1.1 Introduction 21.1.2 Pin descriptions 21.1.3 Standard TRAM signals notError (pin 11) LinkSpeedA and LinkSpeedB (pins 6 and 7) Link signals 21.1.4 Subsystem signals 21.1.5 Memory configuration Location of external memory Subsystem register locations 21.1.6 Mechanical details 21.1.7 Installation 21.1.8 Specification 21.1.9 Ordering Information 22 IMS B428 2Mbyte TRAM 22.1 IMS B428 TRAM engineering data 22.1.1 Introduction 22.1.2 Pin descriptions 22.1.3 Standard TRAM signals notError (pin 11) LinkSpeedA and LinkSpeedB (pins 6 and 7) Link signals 22.1.4 Subsystem signals 22.1.5 Memory configuration Subsystem register locations 22.1.6 Mechanical details 22.1.7 Installation 22.1.8 Specification Notes 22.2 Ordering Information 23 IMS B417 4Mbyte TRAM 23.1 IMS B417 TRAM engineering data 23.1.1 Introduction 23.1.2 Pin descriptions 23.1.3 Standard TRAM signals notError (pin 11) LinkSpeedA and LinkSpeedB (pins 6 and 7) Link signals 23.1.4 Subsystem signals 23.1.5 Memory configuration Location of external memory Subsystem register locations 23.1.6 Mechanical details 23.1.7 Installation 23.1.8 Specification 23.1.9 Ordering Information 24 IMS B426 4Mbyte TRAM 24.1 Description 24.2 Pin descriptions Notes: 24.3 Standard TRAM signals 24.3.1 notError (pin 11) 24.3.2 LinkSpeedA and LinkSpeedB (pins 6 and 7) 24.3.3 Link signals 24.4 Memory configuration 24.5 Mechanical details 24.6 Installation 24.7 Specification Notes 24.8 Ordering Information 25 IMS B427 8Mbyte TRAM 25.1 Description 25.1.1 Pin descriptions Notes: 25.1.2 Standard TRAM signals 25.2 notError (pin 11) 25.3 LinkSpeedA and LinkSpeedB (pins 6 and 7) 25.4 Link signals 25.5 Subsytem signals 25.5.1 Memory configuration Subsystem register locations 25.5.2 Mechanical details 25.5.3 Installation 25.5.4 Specification Notes 25.5.5 Ordering Information 26 IMS B408 Frame store TRAM 26.1 IMS B408 TRAM engineering data 26.1.1 Introduction 26.1.2 Pin descriptions 26.1.3 Pixel Port signals Electrical Specification 26.1.4 Memory Map 26.1.5 Pixel Port control registers 26.1.6 Mechanical details 26.1.7 Installation 26.1.8 Specification 26.1.9 Ordering Information 27 IMS B409 Display TRAM 27.1 IMS B409 TRAM engineering data 27.1.1 Introduction 27.1.2 Pin descriptions 27.1.3 Pixel Bus connectors 27.1.4 The Pixel channels 8 bits/pixel mode 18 bits/pixel mode The colour look-up tables Video Outputs 27.1.5 Memory Map Pixel Channel Mode select The video timing generator The Colour look-up tables 27.1.6 Mechanical details 27.1.7 Installation 27.1.8 Specification 27.1.9 Ordering Information 28 IMS B415 Differential link buffer TRAM 28.1 Description 28.2 Pin descriptions 28.3 Introduction to the IMS B415 28.4 Principles of Operation 28.5 Differential Connectors 28.6 Cables 28.7 Mechanical details 28.8 Installation 28.9 Specification 28.10 References 28.11 Ordering Information 29 IMS B418 Flash ROM TRAM 29.1 Description 29.1.1 Booting transputer networks with the IMS B418 29.1.2 Flash ROMs 29.1.3 The IMS B418 in the development environment Bootstrap Mode Transparent mode Auto-program mode 29.1.4 Firmware Summary of Programming Protocol 29.1.5 Programming Voltage Generator 29.1.6 Power-on reset / Power-fail monitor 29.1.7 Sub-system Pins 29.1.8 Link select jumpers 29.1.9 Mode select jumpers 29.2 Specifications Notes 29.3 Reference 29.4 Ordering Information 30 IMS B419 Graphics TRAM 30.1 Description 30.1.1 Introduction 30.1.2 Screen sizes 30.1.3 SubSystem signals 30.1.4 CVC reset register 30.1.5 Clock Select Register 30.1.6 Memory Map 30.1.7 Pixel clock selection 30.1.8 Jumper selection 30.1.9 Video and sync outputs 30.2 Graphics library software Summary of CGI Graphics Library functions 30.3 Mechanical details 30.4 Pin descriptions 30.5 Specification 30.6 References 30.7 Ordering Information 31 IMS B420 Vector processing TRAM 31.1 Introduction The IMS T800 Processor The ZR34325 Vector/Signal Processor 31.2 Transputer memory map 31.3 ZR34325 memory map 31.4 Mechanical details 31.5 Specification 31.6 IMS F000 software library 31.6.1 Software support IMS F000A function calls include: 31.7 Ordering Information 32 IMS B421 IEEE-488 GPIB TRAM 32.1 Description 32.1.1 The IEEE-488 standard 32.1.2 Companion software package IMS F001 32.2 Pin descriptions 32.2.1 Standard TRAM signals 32.2.2 Subsystem signals 32.3 Hardware features 32.3.1 Onboard transputer system 32.3.2 IEEE-488 Interface 32.3.3 Electrically Eraseable Read Only Memory (EEROM) 32.3.4 Power-up/Power-fail detection 32.3.5 Jumpers 32.4 Connector pin assignments 32.4.1 IEEE-488 connector J1 32.4.2 Auxiliary connector J2 32.5 Option selection jumpers 32.5.1 Bus address jumpers, JP1 to JP5 32.5.2 Device capability jumpers, JP6 and 7 32.5.3 Bus drive selection jumper, JP8 32.5.4 Data protect jumper, JP9 32.6 Hardware information for programmers 32.6.1 Memory configuration Subsystem register locations 32.6.2 Input port assignments 32.6.3 Output port assignments 32.6.4 GPIB control register addresses 32.6.5 Wait states 32.6.6 Internal and external reset pulse generation 32.6.7 EEROM programming 32.7 Mechanical details 32.8 Installation 32.9 Specification 32.10 Ordering information 33 IMS B422 SCSI TRAM 33.1 IMS B422 SCSI TRAM engineering data 33.1.1 Transputer Modules (TRAMs) 33.1.2 Pin descriptions Clockln LinkOut0-3 LinkIn0-3 LinkSpeedA, LinkSpeedB Reset Analyse notError 33.1.3 A Brief Description of the Small Computer System Interface 33.1.4 SCSI Capabilities 33.1.5 Connecting the IMS B422 to a SCSI bus 33.1.6 IMS B422 hardware 33.1.7 Memory map 33.1.8 IMS F002 board support software 33.1.9 Structure 33.1.10 IMS B422 Device Driver 33.1.11 Initialisation Interface 33.1.12 Initiator Mode Interface 33.1.13 Target Mode Interface 33.1.14 Software Distribution 33.1.15 Mechanical details 33.1.16 Installation 33.1.17 Specification 33.1.18 References 33.1.19 Ordering Information 34 IMS B429 Video Image Processing TRAM (VIP) 34.1 Introduction 34.2 Architecture 34.3 Supported operations 34.3.1 Decimation and interpolation 34.4 Video input circuit 34.4.1 Input look-up table (LUT) 34.5 Memory map 34.6 Specification 34.7 Ordering information 35 IMS B430 Prototyping TRAM 35.1 IMS B430 Prototyping TRAM product overview Printed Circuit Board Onboard transputer system Prototyping area 35.1.1 Specification 35.1.2 Ordering Information 36 IMS B431 Ethernet TRAM 36.1 Specification 36.2 Ordering Information
Motherboards and other Standard Interface Boards
37 IMS B008 IBM PC Motherboard 37.1 Description 37.1.1 Introduction 37.1.2 TRAM Slots 37.1.3 System Services 37.1.4 Link Configuration 37.1.5 IBM PC Bus Interface Link interface Host system services DMA Interrupts 37.1.6 Link Speeds 37.2 Specifications Mechanical details Thermal Information Operating and Storage Environments Electrical details 37.3 Connector Pin Assignments P1 pin assignments P2 pin assignments 37.4 Jumpers 37.5 Switches 37.6 Reference 37.7 Ordering Information 38 IMS B017 IBM PS/2 Motherboard 38.1 IMS B017 engineering data 38.1.1 Description 38.1.2 TRAM Slots 38.1.3 System Services 38.1.4 Micro Channel bus interface Link interface Host system services Interrupts 38.1.5 Configuration 38.1.6 Specifications Mechanical Details Thermal Information Operating and Storage Environments Electrical Details 38.1.7 Memory Map 38.1.8 Connector Pin Assignments J3 pin assignments 38.1.9 References 38.1.10 Ordering Information 39 IMS B014 VMEbus slave card 39.1 Description 39.1.1 VMEbus Interface 39.1.2 Interrupts 39.1.3 IMS C004 Control 39.1.4 System Services Organisation 39.2 Specification Mechanical details Thermal details Operating and Storage Environments Electrical details VMEbus capability 39.3 Ordering Information 40 IMS B016 VMEbus Master/Slave 40.1 Introduction VME Bus IMS T801 Transputer 40.2 Description 40.2.1 IMS T801 and private SRAM 40.2.2 Primary Control Registers 40.2.3 MAP-RAM 40.2.4 Dual-Access DRAM 40.2.5 Byte Multiplexor 40.2.6 VME Features 40.2.7 F-ROM 40.2.8 Serial Ports 40.2.9 PEX Boards 40.2.10 Real-Time Clock 40.2.11 Resets and Transputer System Services 40.2.12 The Front Panel 40.3 'Hard' Configuration Information 40.4 Memory Maps 40.5 Specification 40.5.1 Mechanical and Thermal Details 40.5.2 Electrical Details 40.5.3 VMEbus capability 40.6 Connector Pin Assignments 40.7 References 40.8 Ordering Information 41 IMS B015 NEC 9800 series PC Board 41.1 Description 41.1.1 Link connections 41.1.2 Link speed selection 41.1.3 System Services 41.1.4 Up, Down, and Subsystem 41.1.5 PC interface 41.1.6 IO Address 41.1.7 Reset, Analyse and Error registers 41.1.8 Interface link Interrupts 41.1.9 External power supplies 41.2 External Connections 41.3 Specification 41.4 Ordering Information 42 IMS B012 Double extended eurocard 42.1 IMS B012 Double Eurocard Motherboard engineering data 42.1.1 Introduction 42.1.2 Hardware Description Link Connections P1 Links Switch Configuration Transputer Reset Analyse and Error Link Termination Error Lights User Power Connector Uncommitted Pins 42.2 Specifications Mechanical Details Thermal Information 42.3 Ordering Information 43 IMS B018 TRAM motherboard Ordering Information 44 IMS B300 Ethernet connection system 44.1 IMS B300 Network connection system engineering data 44.1.1 Interfaces 44.1.2 Diagnostic Interfaces 44.1.3 Protocols 44.1.4 Performance 44.1.5 Specification 44.1.6 Ordering information
Associated Hardware Products
45 IMS B250 VME Rack 45.1 Front panel 45.2 Specification 45.3 Ordering Information 46 IMS CA12 Card Frame Adapter Ordering Information 47 Cables for Board Products
Application Notes
48 Dual-In-Line Transputer Modules (TRAMs) (INMOS Technical Note 29) 48.1 Background 48.2 Introduction 48.3 Functional description 48.3.1 Pinout of size1 module 48.3.2 Pinout of larger sized modules 48.3.3 TRAMs with more than one transputer 48.3.4 Extra pins 48.3.5 Subsystem signals driven from a TRAM Subsystem registers Multiple subsystems 48.3.6 Memory parity 48.3.7 Memory map 48.4 Electrical description 48.4.1 Link outputs 48.4.2 Link inputs 48.4.3 notError output 48.4.4 Reset and analyse inputs 48.4.5 Clock input 48.4.6 notError input to subsystem 48.4.7 GND, VCC 48.5 Mechanical description 48.5.1 Width and length 48.5.2 Vertical dimensions 48.5.3 Direction of cooling 48.6 TRAM pins and sockets 48.6.1 Stackable socket pin 48.6.2 Through-board sockets 48.6.3 Subsystem pins and sockets 48.6.4 Motherboard sockets 48.7 Mechanical retention of TRAMs 48.8 Profile drawings 49 Module Motherboard Architecture (INMOS Technical Note 49) 49.1 Introduction 49.2 Module motherboard architecture 49.2.1 Design goals 49.2.2 Architecture 49.3 Link configuration 49.3.1 Pipeline 49.3.2 IMS C004 link configuration 49.3.3 T212 pipeline and C004 control 49.3.4 Software link configuration 49.4 System control 49.4.1 Reset, analyse and error 49.4.2 Up, down and subsystem 49.4.3 Source of control 49.4.4 Clock 49.5 Interface to a separate host 49.5.1 Link interface 49.5.2 System control interface 49.5.3 Interrupts 49.6 Mechanical considerations 49.6.1 Dimensions Width and length Vertical dimensions 49.6.2 Motherboard sockets 49.6.3 Mechanical retention of TRAMs 49.6.4 Module orientation 49.7 Edge connectors 50 Developing parallel C programs for transputers (INMOS Technical Note 68) 50.1 Introduction 50.2 What is the C toolset? 50.2.1 Introduction 50.2.2 Software toolset summary 50.2.3 Software design cycle - single transputer systems Edit Compile Linking Boot Strap Run Debugging 50.2.4 Software design cycle - multiple transputer systems Configure 50.3 Example problem description 50.3.1 Introduction 50.3.2 What is configuration? 50.4 Using the Dx214 C toolset 50.4.1 Introduction 50.4.2 C parallel processing library extensions 50.4.3 Parallel version on one transputer, all in C Setting up a process Running the processes in parallel Channel communications The master process The worker process Building the upper case example Running the single processor version 50.4.4 Configuring a mufti-processor version using icconf Introduction Introducing some new tools The master process The worker process Connecting to the external configuration channels Writing a configuration script Declaring the physical hardware Showing physical interconnect Interface description Wiring things up Pulling in the real code Placing the processes onto processors Building the example Running the multi-processor version 50.5 Conclusions 50.6 Differences between 3L and icc concurrency library Upgrading code to IMS Dx214 from IMS D711 50.7 Useful hints when writing Dx214 C toolset programs Program design methodology 50.7.1 What if the program will not run? 50.8 References
A Quality and Reliability B Software Licensing End User Licences Distribution Licences C Product Reference Tables C.1 Table of Composite Products C.2 Table of Board Products and Associated Software Indexes