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Transputer Development System - Second Edition

First published 1990 by
Prentice Hall International (UK) Ltd
ISBN-10: 0-13-929068-0; INMOS document number: 72-TRN-011-01
479 Pages

© 1990 INMOS Limited. INMOS reserves the right to make changes in specifications at any time and without notice. The information furnished by INMOS in this publication is believed to be accurate; however, no responsibility is assumed for its use, nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties resulting from its use. No license is granted under any patents, trademarks or other rights of INMOS.


frontcover 72-TRN-011-01

This manual describes the Transputer Development System, an integrated programming environment developed by INMOS to support the programming of transputer networks in occam. The Transputer Development System comprises an integrated editor, file manager, compiler and debugging system.

The Transputer Development System runs on a transputer board; for example it runs on an INMOS IMS B008 board with an IMS B404 TRAM (transputer module) containing an IMS T800 32-bit processor and 2 MBytes of memory. This board is installed inside an IBM PC/AT or similar computer, which provides a means of interfacing keyboard, screen and disks to the transputer.

The Transputer Development System allows occam programs to be written, compiled and then run from within the development system. Programs may also be configured to run on a target network of transputers; these may range from a single transputer on an evaluation board to networks of several hundred transputers. The code for a transputer network may be loaded directly from the Transputer Development System, through a link connecting the Transputer Development System transputer to the target network. Programs may also be placed into a file separate from the Transputer Development System, or into a ROM (Read-Only Memory), and used to load a network.

A post-mortem debugger allows programs running in the Transputer Development System environment or on a transputer network to be examined after they have been interrupted or have stopped as a result of an error. The line of source corresponding to a program error on one of the processors can be displayed, and the values of variables may be examined. The state of other currently active processes on this processor, and on other processors in the network, can also be examined.

The Transputer Development System software includes the interactive programming environment, the compilation utilities and other programming tools, a number of libraries to support program development (such as mathematical functions and I/O libraries), and an extensive set of examples in source form.

This manual is divided into two major parts: the User Guide, which introduces the system and takes the reader through the steps needed to write, compile and run programs, and the Reference Manual, which contains detailed reference information on the editor, utilities, tools, libraries and system interfaces.

The instructions on installing the software and a detailed list of the components of the release are contained in a separate Delivery manual, supplied with the software.

This manual corresponds to the IMS D700E (IBM PC) release of the Transputer Development System, which supports new transputer targets and is supported by, and can generate programs supported by, the server program iserver, used by all other INMOS hosted software products.


	Contents overview

1	How to use the manual
	1.1	Introduction
	1.2	User guide
	1.3	Reference manual
	1.4	Appendices
	1.5	Delivery manual

2	Introduction
	2.1	Overview
		Transputers and occam
	2.2	System design rationale
		2.2.1	Programming
		2.2.2	Hardware
		2.2.3	Programmable components
	2.3	occam model
	2.4	A programmer's introduction to the transputer
		2.4.1	Addresses and the memory
		2.4.2	Registers and instructions
		2.4.3	Processes and communications
		2.4.4	Starting and stopping
		2.4.5	Programs
		2.4.6	Multi-processor programs
		2.4.7	Conventions for the code on each processor
	2.5	Program development
		2.5.1	Logical behaviour
		2.5.2	Performance measurement
		2.5.3	The transputer development system

The user guide

3	Directories

4	The editing environment
	4.1	Introduction
		4.1.1	Folding
		4.1.2	Files as folds
	4.2	Starting and finishing the system for the first time
		4.2.1	Starting the system
		4.2.2	The TDS3 command
		4.2.3	Problems starting the system
		4.2.4	Keyboard layout
		4.2.5	Repainting the screen
		4.2.6	Ending the session
		4.2.7	Interrupting and rebooting the TDS
		4.2.8	Suspending the TDS
	4.3	Tutorial file
	4.4	The editor interface
		4.4.1	Editor's view of a document
		4.4.2	The screen display
		4.4.3	Line types
	4.5	Editor functions
		4.5.1	Overview of editor functions
		4.5.2	Editor modes
		4.5.3	Moving the cursor
		4.5.4	Scrolling and panning the screen
		4.5.5	Fold browsing operations
			Opening and closing folds
			Fold information
			Browsing mode
		4.5.6	Inserting and deleting characters
		4.5.7	Fold creation and removal
		4.5.8	Filed folds
			Storage of files in memory
			File extensions
			Writing back files
		4.5.9	Deleting lines
		4.5.10	Moving and copying lines
		4.5.11	Defining keystroke macros
	4.6	Utilities and programs
		4.6.1	The toolkit fold
		4.6.2	Loading utilities and programs
		4.6.3	Loading code from the toolkit fold
		4.6.4	Running a utility
		4.6.5	Supplying parameters to utilities
		4.6.6	When a utility finishes
		4.6.7	Running executable programs
	4.7	File handling utilities
	4.8	Searching and replacing
	4.9	Listing programs
		4.9.1	The lister and unlister programs
	4.10	Transferring TDS files between computers

5	Compiling and linking occam programs
	5.1	Introduction
	5.2	The compiler utility set
	5.3	Preparing a program for compilation
		5.3.1	Creating a compilation fold
		5.3.2	Comment folds
	5.4	Using the compiler utilities
		5.4.1	Compilation for different transputers
			Transputer classes
		5.4.2	Mixing code for different transputers
		5.4.3	Error modes of compilation
		5.4.4	Mixing code with different error modes
		5.4.5	Checking occam programs
		5.4.6	Compiling occam programs
		5.4.7	Linking occam programs
	5.5	Compiling a simple example program
		5.5.1	Getting the compiler utilities
		5.5.2	Making an EXE fold
		5.5.3	Checking and compiling the example program
		5.5.4	Running the example program
		5.5.5	Compilation information
	5.6	Separate compilation and libraries
		5.6.1	Separate compilation
		5.6.2	Libraries
		5.6.3	Compiling and linking large programs
		5.6.4	Changing and recompiling programs
		5.6.5	The implementation of change control
	5.7	Compiler parameters
		5.7.1	The parameter fold
		5.7.2	Error modes and range checking
		5.7.3	Alias and usage checking
		5.7.4	Using the separate vector space
	5.8	Creating and using libraries
		5.8.1	Creating libraries
		5.8.2	Using libraries
		5.8.3	Using protocols with separate compilation
		5.8.4	How the library system works
		5.8.5	The library logical names fold
		5.8.6	Library compaction
	5.9	Changing and recompiling libraries
		5.9.1	Change control
		5.9.2	Library dependencies
		5.9.3	Recompiling mixed libraries
		5.9.4	Compacting recompiled libraries
	5.10	The pipeline sorter example
		5.10.1	The 'header.tsr' library fold
		5.10.2	The 'problem.tsr' library fold
		5.10.3	The 'monitor.tsr' library fold
			The keyboard handler
			The screen handler
	5.11	The implementation of occam
		5.11.1	The transputer implementation of occam
		5.11.2	Memory allocation by the compiler
		5.11.3	Implementation of usage checking
			Usage rules
			Checking of non-array elements
			Checking of arrays of variables and channels
			Arrays as procedure parameters
			Abbreviating variables and channels
			Problems with replicators

6	Running programs within the TDS
	6.1	Loading and running an executable program
	6.2	The interface for user programs
	6.3	The channel parameters and their protocols
		6.3.1	The explicit iserver channels
		6.3.2	The keyboard and screen
		6.3.3	Communicating with the user filer
		6.3.4	The fold manager
		6.3.5	Communicating with the filer
		6.3.6	The kernel channels
	6.4	Memory usage within the TDS
	6.5	The occam input/output procedures
		6.5.1	The input/output models
		6.5.2	The hostio model
		6.5.3	The streamio model
		6.5.4	The folded file store model
		6.5.5	Interface procedures
	6.6	The pipeline sorter example
	6.7	Example programs using the I/O libraries
		6.7.1	Keyboard and screen example
		6.7.2	Example showing input from file

7	Configuring programs and loading transputer networks
	7.1	Introduction
	7.2	The transputer configuration and loading utilities
	7.3	The configuration description
	7.4	Configuring a program
	7.5	Connecting a network to the TDS
	7.6	Loading a network
	7.7	Using the transputer network tester
	7.8	Running the pipeline sorter on a target transputer
		7.8.1	Creating a PROGRAM fold
		7.8.2	Monitoring the target with an EXE
		7.8.3	Configuring and running the example
	7.9	Running the pipeline sorter on a four transputer network
		7.9.1	A PROGRAM for four transputers
		7.9.2	The root transputer
		7.9.3	The three other transputers
		7.9.4	Configuration for four transputers

8	Standalone transputer programs
	8.1	Introduction
	8.2	Using the iserver
	8.3	Creating a parameterless standalone program
	8.4	Creating a standard hosted PROC
	8.5	The pipeline sorter

9	Debugging
	9.1	Using the debugger
	9.2	Debugger facilities
		9.2.1	Symbolic facilities
		9.2.2	Lower level facilities
	9.3	Debugging a program running on a network of transputers
	9.4	Debugging a program running within the TDS
	9.5	Debugging a standalone program
	9.6	A worked example
		9.6.1	Running the example program
		9.6.2	Creating a core dump
		9.6.3	Using the debugger
		9.6.4	Inspecting variables
		9.6.5	Jumping down channels
		9.6.6	Retrace and Backtrace
		9.6.7	Process Queues
		9.6.8	Display occam
		9.6.9	Finish
		9.6.10	Other functions
		9.6.11	More information
	9.7	How the debugger works
		9.7.1	How the debugger accesses the network
		9.7.2	Debugging information generated by the compiler
		9.7.3	How the symbolic facilities work
		9.7.4	Backtracing
		9.7.5	Inspecting variables
		9.7.6	Jumping down channels
		9.7.7	Analysis of deadlock
		9.7.8	occam scope rules

10	EPROM programming
	10.1	Introduction
	10.2	How to create the fold bundle
	10.3	Creating the ROM file
	10.4	Burning the ROM
	10.5	Execution from ROM instead of RAM
	10.6	ROMs which load from a host computer
	10.7	Adding a memory configuration to the EPROM

11	Low level programming
	11.1	Allocation
	11.2	Code insertion
		11.2.1	Using the code insertion mechanism
		11.2.2	Labels and jumps
	11.3	Dynamic code loading
		11.3.1	The call
		11.3.2	Loading parameters
		11.3.3	Examples
	11.4	Extraordinary use of links
		11.4.1	Clarification of requirements
		11.4.2	Programming concerns
		11.4.3	Input and output procedures
		11.4.4	Recovery from failure
		11.4.5	Example: a development system
	11.5	Setting the error flag

The reference manual

12	The development environment
	12.1	Keys
	12.2	Messages
		12.2.1	Development environment messages
		12.2.2	iserver termination messages

13	Utilities
	13.2	File handling package
		13.2.1	ATTACH
		13.2.3	COPY ATTACH
		13.2.4	COPY IN
		13.2.5	COPY OUT
		13.2.6	DETACH
		13.2.7	READ HOST
		13.2.8	RENAME FILE
		13.2.9	WRITE HOST
	13.1	occam program development package
		13.1.1	CHECK
			Compilation information
			Configuration information
			Library information
		13.1.3	COMPILE
		13.1.4	Compiler messages
		13.1.5	Library logical name fold errors
		13.1.6	Program errors
		13.1.7	Implementation limits
		13.1.8	Compiler errors
		13.1.9	Configurer error messages
		13.1.10	EXTRACT
		13.1.11	LIST FOLD
		13.1.12	LOAD NETWORK
		13.1.13	MAKE FOLDSET
		13.1.14	RECOMPILE
		13.1.15	REPLACE
		13.1.16	SEARCH

14	Libraries
	14.1	Introduction to the libraries
	14.2	Compiler and system libraries (complibs)
		14.2.1	Multiple length integer arithmetic functions
		14.2.2	Floating point functions
		14.2.3	IEEE arithmetic functions
		14.2.4	2D block move library
		14.2.5	Bit manipulation and CRC library
		14.2.6	Code execution
		14.2.7	Arithmetic instruction library
		14.2.8	Extraordinary link handling library reinit
		14.2.9	Block CRC library blockcrc
	14.3	Mathematical libraries (mathlibs)
		14.3.1	Single length and double length elementary function library
			NaNs and Infs
			The Function Specifications
		14.3.2	IMS T414 elementary function library
	14.4	Introduction to input/output libraries (hostlibs, iolibs)
	14.5	Tables of contents of the input/output libraries (hostlibs, iolibs)
		14.5.1	Basic type i/o conversion library ioconv
		14.5.2	Extra type i/o conversion library extrio
		14.5.3	String handling library strings
		14.5.4	Host i/o basic procedure library splib
		14.5.5	Hostio general and screen output procedure library sollib
		14.5.6	Keyboard input library sklib
		14.5.7	Host and stream i/o interface library spinterf
		14.5.8	Protocol conversion library afsp
		14.5.9	Keystream and screenstream library streamio
		14.5.10	Screenstream interface procedure library ssinterf
		14.5.11	General purpose i/o procedure library userio
		14.5.12	Low level user filer interface support library ufiler
		14.5.13	Interface procedure library interf
		14.5.14	Transputer board support libraries t4board, t2board
		14.5.15	Other libraries
	14.6	Protocols and formal parameter conventions
	14.7	Environment enquiries
	14.8	Representation conversions and string handling
		Time and date functions
		Character handling functions
		String comparison functions
		String editing procedures
		String searching functions
		String add/append functions
		Line parsing
	14.9	Terminals and text streams
		14.9.1	The simple input and output procedures (TDS stream models)
		14.9.2	Procedures supporting screenstream output
		14.9.3	Procedures supporting keystream input
		14.9.4	Procedures supporting the standard input model of the keyboard
		14.9.5	Procedures supporting the standard output model of the screen
	14.10	Buffers, multiplexors and protocol converters
	14.11	Access to host filing system
	14.12	Access to the TDS's folded file store
		Write folded stream
		Read folded stream
	14.13	Access to transputer board peripherals

15	Tools
	15.1	Debugger
		15.1.1	Debugging a PROGRAM on a network which may include the host
			What the debugger does
		15.1.2	Debugging an EXE (or UTIL)
			Start up procedure for an EXE
		15.1.3	Debugging an SC
			Start up procedure for an SC
		15.1.4	Symbolic functions
			Debugging an SC
			Invalid Wdesc
		15.1.6	Monitor page commands
		15.1.7	Hints
			Invalid pointers
			Failure to communicate
			Default addresses
			IF, CASE and guarded ALT
			CASE input
		15.1.8	Creating a core dump file
		15.1.9	occam run time errors
	15.2	Transputer network tester - nettest
		15.2.1	What the network tester does
		15.2.2	Using the network test program
			A note on matching
			Limitations of use
		15.2.3	Options available
		15.2.4	Interpretation of loading data
		15.2.5	Description of network
		15.2.6	Error messages
		15.2.7	Testing specifications
		15.2.8	Stages of loading
	15.3	Memory interface program - memint
		15.3.1	Capabilities
		15.3.2	Using the program
		15.3.3	Input
		15.3.4	Output
			Numeric output
			Waveform output
		15.3.5	Storing and retrieving parameters and pages
		15.3.6	Examples
		15.3.7	Caveats
		15.3.8	Error and warning messages
	15.4	EPROM hex program - epromhex
		15.4.1	Using the program
		15.4.2	What the EPROM hex program does
			Error messages
	15.5	Hex to programmer program - hextoprq
		15.5.1	Using the program
	15.6	Write EPROM file program - promfile
		15.6.1	Using the program
	15.7	Preparing a bootstrap and adding it to a program - addboot, wocctab
		15.7.1	The code to occam table converter wocctab
		15.7.2	The bootstrap adder addboot
		15.7.3	The example two-stage loader
		15.7.4	Memory allocation

16	System interfaces
	16.1	Use of host environment variables
	16.2	The TDS loader and TDS start up process
	16.3	The ITERM terminal configuration file
		16.3.1	The structure of an ITERM file
		16.3.2	The host definitions
			ITERM version
			Screen size
		16.3.3	The screen definitions
			Goto X Y processing
		16.3.4	The keyboard definitions
		16.3.5	Setting up the ITERM environment variable
		16.3.6	An example ITERM
	16.4	The INMOS file server - iserver - command line interface
		16.4.1	iserver command line syntax
			Loading programs
			Terminating the server
			Server termination codes
			Specifying a link address - option SL
			Terminating on error - option SE
		16.4.2	Server functions
		16.4.3	iserver error messages
	16.5	The INMOS file server - iserver - program interface
		16.5.1	The server protocol
			Packet size
			Protocol operation
		16.5.2	The server libraries
		16.5.3	Porting the server
		16.5.4	Defined protocol
			Reserved values
			File commands
		16.5.5	Host commands
		16.5.6	Server commands
		16.5.7	Extensions to iserver protocol supported within the TDS only
	16.6	The TDS screen and keyboard channels
		16.6.1	Input from the keyboard channel
		16.6.2	Screen stream and SS protocols
			Outputting characters to the screen
			Cursor movement
			Clearing the screen
			Character operations
			Line operations
			Other operations
			Changing the way keyboard input is processed
			Other commands
	16.7	The TDS user filer interface
		16.7.1	User filer protocol
		16.7.2	Selecting a fold for access
		16.7.3	User filer channels
		16.7.4	User filer modes
		16.7.5	Commands in user filer command mode
			Definitions of uf. commands
			Example showing use of a uf. command
			Opening a fold for reading
			Opening a fold for writing
		16.7.6	Communications in file stream modes
			Introduction to file stream modes
			Syntax of valid sequences of communications
			Data stream modes
			Folded stream modes
			Reading a fold stream from the system sender
			Writing a fold stream to the system receiver
	16.8	Other TDS interfaces


A Keyboard layouts
	A.1 IBM PC function keys
	A.2 IBM PC keyboard layout
	A.3 NEC PC keyboard layout

B Summary of standard utilities

C Names defined by the software

D System constant definitions

E Error numbers
	E.1 File server errors
	E.2 DOS errors
	E.3 TDS internal errors
	E.4 Filer errors
	E.5 File streamer errors

F Fold attributes
	F.1 Fold attributes in the TDS
		F.1.1 Fold type
		F.1.2 Fold contents
		F.1.3 Fold indent
	F.2 Attribute constant values
	F.3 Attributes of common fold types

G File formats
	G.1 Structure of folded files
	G.2 DOS files produced by the TDS
	G.5 Other compiler outputs

H Transputer instruction support
	H.1 Direct functions
	H.2 Short indirect functions
	H.3 Long indirect functions
	H.4 Additional instructions for IMS T425 and IMS T800
	H.5 Additional instructions for IMS T800 only

I Bibliography
	I.1 INMOS publications
	I.2 INMOS technical notes
	I.3 References

J Glossary


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