IMS D7305A IBM 386 PC Occam 2 toolset delivery manual
April 1993
INMOS document number: 72-TDS-389-01
39 Pages
© INMOS Limited 1993.

This manual provides installation instructions for the IMS D7305A occam 2 toolset for the IBM 386 PC (and compatibles). In addition instructions for testing the release are given.
1.1 Layout of this manual
Chapter 2 provides installation instructions for this release.
Chapter 3 contains a simple procedure to check that the installation has been done correctly.
Appendix A contains some distribution notes for this release.
Appendix B shows the positions of the debugger and simulator function keys on a standard PC keyboard.
Appendix C contains details of the DOS extender used with this release.
1.2 Prerequisites for running the toolset
In order to use the occam 2 toolset you will require:
- An IBM 386 PC (or compatible) with at least 4 Mbytes RAM.
- DOS version 5.0 or later.
- About 11 Mbytes of free disk space.
- An IMS B004 or B008 (or similar) transputer board with an INMOS 32-bit transputer such as an IMS T800 or T414 (Rev B or later), with 2 Mbytes or more of memory.
Note: For interactive debugging a 32-bit transputer is used to run the debugger, so to use this feature of the toolset at least one additional transputer will be needed.
1.3 Compatibility with previous releases
This release is source code compatible with the previous D7205A release of the toolset. Users should recompile all source code with this new toolset.
This release is compatible with the D7314A ANSI C toolset supplied by INMOS. Together these toolsets can be used for mixed language programming in C and occam.
Contents 1 Introduction 1.1 Layout of this manual 1.2 Prerequisites for running the toolset 1.3 Compatibility with previous releases 2 Installing the release 2.1 Installation 2.2 Hosted and non-hosted tools 2.3 Setting up the toolset for use 2.3.1 Setting the FILES variable 2.3.2 Setting the correct PATH 2.3.3 Configuring the DOS extender 2.3.4 Setting up the iserver Selecting the required iserver Special notes for users of the PC-NFS iserver Notes common to both versions of the iserver Note for users of the IMS B008 motherboard 2.3.5 Use of the iserver by transputer tool driver programs 2.3.6 Setting the board memory size 2.3.7 Setting root memory size for idebug 2.3.8 Setting a file system search path 2.3.9 Setting the device driver and terminal definition file 2.3.10 Environment space 2.3.11 Setup checklist 3 Confidence testing 3.1 Building the example 3.2 Running the example program 3.3 Using the simulator A Distribution notes A.1 iserver source A.2 Driver program errors B Debugger function keys B.1 IBM 386 PC LH-keypad B.2 Keyboard layout for IBM 386 PC - left B.3 Keyboard layout for IBM 386 PC - right C DOS Extender C.1 Installation C.2 '386 Background C.2.1 '386 basics C.2.2 Memory Conventional Memory Expanded Memory Extended Memory C.2.3 DOS Extenders C.3 Configuring DOS/4GW C.3.1 Suppressing the DOS/4GW Banner C.3.2 Changing the Switch Mode Setting C.3.3 Fine Control of Memory Usage Specifying a range of Extended Memory Using Extra Memory C.3.4 Setting Runtime Options C.3.5 Controlling Address line 20 C.4 PMINFO C.5 RMINFO