IMS D7205 IBM/NEC PC occam 2 Toolset delivery manual
March 1991
INMOS document number: 72-TDS-245-01
52 Pages
© INMOS Limited 1991.

This manual provides installation instructions for the IMS D7205 occam 2 toolset for the IBM PC (and compatibles) and the NEC PC. This delivery manual deals with PC-specific parts of the toolset.
1.1 - 1.4
Has been omitted.
1.5 Compatibility with previous releases
This release is not object compatible with previous INMOS occam products such as the D705B; it uses a new object format known as TCOFF (Transputer Common Object File Format). Source files should be recompiled with the new tools. Chapter 5 of this delivery manual describes the main changes in the source languages accepted by this toolset, over the D705B.
For circumstances where it is not possible to recompile source, there is a conversion tool called icvlink which may be used to convert object files produced by the D705B (LFF format) to object files suitable for use with this toolset. icvlink is described in the user manual, part 1, chapter 13.
For users of the TDS, the TDS source file structures must be converted so that they are suitable for compilation with the toolset. See the TDS support guide for details.
This release is compatible with the D7214 ANSI C toolset supplied by INMOS, which also uses the TCOFF object format. Together these toolsets can be used for mixed language programming in C and occam.
1.6 Notes for users of the D7214 ANSI C toolset
The D7205 occam toolset and the D7214 ANSI C toolset have some tools in common, such as the linker, librarian and debugger. The installation procedures for the D7205 create a totally separate directory structure for the occam tools. However, for users of both toolsets, it is necessary to know which revision of the tool to choose.
When choosing which version of a tool to use always use the later version. Tools are designed to be backwards-compatible so that they will work with previous releases of the TCOFF toolsets. A tool will not necessarily work in conjunction with tools from a later toolset; for example the debugger supplied with the ANSI C toolset will not necessarily support occam.
Consult the release notes to determine which revisions of the ANSI C toolset this release post-dates. If you are using both toolsets, put the later release on your path before the earlier one. If you decide to combine the tools into a common directory, then, for tools which are in both toolsets, always use the later one.
If you are mixing occam and C, information is provided in both the ANSI C toolset user manual and the occam toolset user manual. The ANSI C toolset manual describes how to call occam from a C program or from the C configuration language. The occam toolset manual describes how to call C from an occam program.
1 Introduction 1.1 Layout of this manual 1.2 Prerequisites for running the toolset (IBM PC) 1.3 Prerequisites for running the toolset (NEC PC) 1.4 Contents of this release 1.5 Compatibility with previous releases 1.6 Notes for users of the D7214 ANSI C toolset 2 Installing the release 2.1 Installation 2.2 Setting up the toolset for use 2.2.1 Choosing an iserver for use 2.2.2 Setting the FILES variable 2.2.3 Setting the correct PATH 2.2.4 Setting an alternative iserver 2.2.5 Using the TDS conversion tools and F editor 2.2.6 Setting the board memory size 2.2.7 Setting a file system search path 2.2.8 Setting root memory size for idebug 2.2.9 Setting an alternative board address 2.2.10 ITERM support for the debugger and simulator 2.2.11 ITERM on the NEC PC 2.2.12 Summary of setup process 2.3 Environment space 2.4 Using the F editor 2.5 Server interrupts 2.6 Driver program errors 2.7 Transputer error flag 3 Confidence testing 4 Building from sources 4.1 The driver program 4.2 The Makefile generator 4.3 The server 4.4 The libraries 5 Changes from previous releases 5.1 Adaptations required to existing program source 5.1.1 Changes in the Implementation of occam 5.1.2 Changed implementation of channels 5.1.3 UNDEFINED and UNIVERSAL error modes 5.1.4 Transputer types 5.1.5 #SC directive 5.1.6 Stricter checking of PRI PAR 5.1.7 Single processor programs 5.1.8 Usage checking rules 5.2 Changes in libraries 5.2.1 Compiler libraries 5.2.2 debug.lib 5.2.3 convert.lib 5.2.4 crc.lib 5.2.5 hostio.lib 5.2.6 snglmath.lib 5.2.7 dblmath.lib 5.2.8 tbmaths.lib 5.2.9 process.lib 5.2.10 streamio.lib 5.2.11 string.lib 5.2.12 xlink.lib Appendices A Distribution kit A.1 Directory \d7205\itools A.2 Directory \d7205\tools A.3 Directory \d7205\libs A.4 Directory \d7205\iterms A.5 Directory \d7205\examples\bootstrp A.6 Directory \d7205\examples\idebug A.7 Directory \d7205\examples\mixed A.8 Directory \d7205\examples\mixconf A.9 Directory \d7205\examples\oc A.10 Directory \d7205\examples\occonf A.11 Directory \d7205\examples\sorter A.12 Directory \d7205\iserver A.13 Directory \d7205\source\iserver A.14 Directory \d7205\source\imakef A.15 Directory \d7205\source\driver A.16 Directory \d7205\source\libs\convert A.17 Directory \d7205\source\libs\hostio A.18 Directory \d7205\source\libs\maths A.19 Directory \d7205\source\libs\msdos A.20 Directory \d7205\source\libs\streamio A.21 Directory \d7205\source\libs\string A.22 Directory \d7205\tdstools\itools A.23 Directory \d7205\tdstools\tools A.24 Directory \d7205\tdstools\libs A.25 Directory \d7205\tdstools\set A.26 Directory \d7205\tdstools\streamco A.27 Directory \d7205\f\itools A.28 Directory \d7205\f\tools A.29 Directory \d7205\f\data A.30 Directory \d7205\install B Debugger function keys B.1 IBM PC LH-keypad B.2 IBM PC main keyboard B.3 NEC PC keyboard layout