IMS D7214 IBM/NEC PC ANSI C toolset delivery manual
August 1990
INMOS document number: 72-TDS-227-00
34 Pages
© INMOS Limited 1990.

This manual provides installation instructions for the IMS D7214 ANSI C toolset for the IBM PC (and compatibles) and the NEC PC. This delivery manual deals with PC specific parts of the toolset. In addition instructions for testing the release are given.
1.1 Layout of this manual
Chapter 1 Introduction: (this chapter) summarises the contents of the release and describes its prerequisites.
Chapter 2 Installing the release: provides installation instructions for this release.
Chapter 3 Confidence testing: contains a simple procedure to check that the installation has been done correctly.
Appendix A Distribution kit: contains a list of the components of the release.
Appendix B Debugger function keys: shows the positions of the debugger and simulator function keys on the IBM and NEC PC keyboard.
1.2 - 1.4
Has been omitted.
1.5 Compatibility with previous releases
This release is not object compatible with previous INMOS products, including all previous alpha releases of the TCOFF toolset and the 3L compiler. All modules will require recompilation.
1.6 PC Hosted Tools
Two versions of some of the tools are supplied; transputer bootable and PC hosted executable. It is up to the user to decide which versions to use. Details of how to set up the system to use either the transputer or PC versions of the tools are given in section 2.2.2.
1 Introduction 1.1 Layout of this manual 1.2 Prerequisites for running the toolset (IBM PC) 1.3 Prerequisites for running the toolset (NEC PC) 1.4 Contents of this release 1.5 Compatibility with previous releases 1.6 PC Hosted Tools 2 Installing the release 2.1 Installation 2.2 Setting up the toolset for use 2.2.1 Setting the FILES variable 2.2.2 Setting the correct PATH 2.2.3 Setting an alternative ISERVER 2.2.4 Setting the board memory size 2.2.5 Setting a file system search path 2.2.6 Setting root memory size for idebug 2.2.7 Setting an alternative board address 2.2.8 Special ITERM support for the debugger and simulator 2.3 Driver program errors 2.4 Transputer error flag 2.5 Running idebug and isim on NEC machines 2.6 Environment space 2.7 Server interrupts 3 Confidence testing
A Distribution kit A.1 Directory \ictools\itools A.2 Directory \ictools\tools A.3 Directory \ictools\libs A.4 Directory \ictools\iterms A.5 Directory \ictools\examples\simple A.6 Directory \ictools\examples\debugger A.7 Directory \ictools examples\imakef A.8 Directory \ictools\examples\config A.9 Directory \ictools\examples\config\b008 A.10 Directory \ictools\iserver A.11 Directory \ictools\source\iserver A.12 Directory \ictools\source\imakef A.13 Directory \ictools\nec B Debugger function keys B.1 IBM PC LH-keypad B.2 IBM PC main keyboard B.3 NEC PC keyboard layout