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The Transputer Network Tester

February 1988, Neil Miller
INMOS document number: 72-TRN-146-00
18 Pages


Given perfect parts, a hardware system may not work properly because of wrongly connected cables, poor connections, electrical noise, poor design, etc. All Inmos products are, of course, completely tested before being shipped. However, in the real world of bad tracks, static discharges, and transputers designed into experimental systems, there is a need for diagnostic software.

Over the last year, a number of 'worm' programs have been developed, for use in exploring, testing and debugging various transputer systems. Some of these have now been put into a single program, for use as a general purpose diagnostic tool. At the same time, the opportunity is being taken to include tests for T800s, and provide a uniform convention for describing the network, and reporting errors. An algorithm for relating the physical network found to the one which the user specifies has also been added.

This document describes the new transputer network test program, gives interpretations of the error messages, and describes some of the more common problems encountered in running multiple transputer networks.



1	What the 'Network Tester' Does

2	Using the Network Test Program
	2.1	A note on Matching
	2.2	Limitations of Use

3	Options Available
	3.1	A - Check T4/T8 network using internal ram
	3.2	B - Check T2 network using internal ram
	3.3	C - Check M2/T2/T4/T8 networks
	3.4	4 - Test T414/T800 networks
	3.5	2 - Test T212 networks
	3.6	D - Development Mode
	3.7	E - Error light testing
	3.8	F - Full Testing
	3.9	L - Link Test
	3.10	M - Memory Test
	3.11	Q - Quit

4	Interpretation of Loading Data
	4.1	Id
	4.2	Link
	4.3	Booted by Id, Link
	4.4	Type
	4.5	Speed
	4.6	Processor Analysed
	4.7	Error Line

5	Description of Network
	5.1	Type
	5.2	Memory Tested (Applies to options D, F, M)
	5.3	Address of Memory Error (Applies to options D, F, M)
	5.4	Network Connections
	5.5	#8000abcd - Options D, F, M
	5.6	Token Error x - All options
	5.7	Time Out Error x - All options
	5.8	Alt Error y - All options
	5.9	Link Error x - Options D, F, L
	5.10	Output Error x - All options except A, B
	5.11	? #z

A	Testing Specifications
	A.1	Order of Loading
	A.2	Size of System
	A.3	Speed of Part
	A.4	Type
	A.5	Reset and Analyse
	A.6	Error Line
	A.7	Memory
	A.8	Links

B	The Stages of Loading

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