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MMS2 User Guide

January 1988
INMOS document number: 72-TDS-143-00
24 Pages


This guide explains how to set up and run the MMS (Module Motherboard Software) version 4.0. It has been written on the assumption that the user has a TDS such as the IMS D700, and is familiar with its use. It also assumes that the user is familiar with the C004 control architecture used on INMOS module motherboards (see Motherboard Architecture Manual).

The MMS is a program (or more correctly an 'EXE') which runs under the INMOS TDS. It is designed to help users to easily set up the IMS C004 'soft' connections on module motherboards or cascades of motherboards.

To use the MMS one or more motherboards together with a number of modules are needed together with a description of the hardware and the connections that need to be made between the modules on the board.

When the MMS is run it provides interactive control of a motherboard or system of motherboards, presenting a friendly menu-driven user interface. It offers a number of facilities: setting the C004s as specified in the source file, manual C004 command input, special network mapper programs, etc.


1	Introduction

2	Using the MMS
	2.1	Installing the MMS
	2.2	Getting Started
	2.3	Using the MMS

3	The Hardwire Fold
	3.1	Introduction
	3.2	Language format
	3.3	General approach
	3.4	Using HL1

4	The Softwire Fold
	4.1	Introduction
	4.2	An Example Softwires Fold

5	Error Reporting
	5.1	Errors Detected In The Hardwire Fold
		File Reading Errors
		Syntax Errors
		Range Checking Errors
		Duplication Errors
	5.2	Errors Detected In The Softwire Fold

A	Hardwire Description
	A.1	Notation
	A.2	BNF Syntax Definition
	A.3	Description Of Use

B	Softwires Fold BNF Syntax Definition

C	The C004-A Programmable Link Switch

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