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Customer Technical Update - Issue 1

March 1987
INMOS document number: 72-TRN-124-00
25 Pages

This document covers technical information, errata, and potential problems in INMOS transputer family products (ie T414, T212, M212, C011, C012, boards and software) that have come to light since the appropriate documentation was issued.


1	T800/T414 compatibility... points to note

2	T414 Halt on Error Flag

3	T800 Rev A bug list (doesn't exist)

4	IMS T800 Revision A errata sheet

	4.1	Hardware problems
		4.1.1	External memory interface configuration of IMS T800
		4.1.2	IMS T800 Link engine
		4.1.3	Internal RAM
	4.2	Software problems
		4.2.1	Installation on IBM PC
		4.2.2	INT to REAL
		4.2.3	Arithmetic features
		4.2.4	Configurer

5	Differences rev A to rev B T800

6	Evaluation boards and ITEMs

	6.1	IMS B001
		6.1.1	Series damping resistors
	6.2	IMS B001, B002 and B004: link buffering
	6.3	IMS B002
		6.3.1	Coding switch
		6.3.2	RS232 level changer
		6.3.3	Grounding power supply
		6.3.4	Subsystem
	6.4	IMS B003
		6.4.1	Undershoot on RAMs
		6.4.2	Bulk decoupling
		6.4.3	Schmitts on reset
	6.5	IMS B004
		6.5.1	Occasional inability to download programs
		6.5.2	The original PC
		6.5.3	Power supply decoupling
	6.6	IMS B006
		6.6.1	RS 232 Terminal driver Software
	6.7	IMS B007
		6.7.1	Use with IMS B004
		6.7.2	Test software changes between T414A and T414B transputers
		6.7.3	Windows demonstration program
	6.8	ITEM
		6.8.1	Hardwired link connections

7	Upgrade paths T414A to T414B to T800

	7.1	IMS B004 Boards
	7.2	Other Boards
	7.3	ITEM 4000

8	Board Maintenance and Repair

9	IMS D700B - known software problems
	9.1	Installation
	9.2	Occam2 language
		9.2.1	Configuration language
		9.2.2	Implemented features not documented
		9.2.3	Documented features not implemented
		9.2.4	Bugs in compilation environment
	9.3	Occam2 compiler
	9.4	Editor, user interface and general utilities
	9.5	DOS level utilities and other DOS problem
	9.6	Programming interface
	9.7	Other problems

10	Technical Notes Available from Inmos and distributors

11	OCCAM User Group

12	INMOS Technical Support Locations
	12.1	United States of America
	12.2	Europe
		12.2.1	UK
		12.2.2	France
		12.2.3	Germany
	12.3	Japan

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