Digital Signal Processing Databook
First Edition 1989
INMOS document number: 72-TRN-211-00
294 Pages
© INMOS Limited 1989. INMOS reserves the right to make changes in specifications at any time and without notice. The information furnished by INMOS in this publication is believed to be accurate; however, no responsibility is assumed for its use, nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties resulting from its use. No license is granted under any patents, trademarks or other rights of INMOS.

Digital Signal Processing is a significant area of application for INMOS devices. The INMOS Digital Signal Processing Databook has been published in response to the growing interest and requests for information concerning INMOS DSP devices.
The databook comprises an overview, engineering data and applications information for the IMS A100, A110 and A121 Digital Signal Processing devices.
The INMOS Digital Signal Processing family is a range of algorithm specific devices designed to provide high performance, cost effective solutions to signal processing problems. The summary of current devices is shown below.
In addition to DSP devices, the INMOS product range also includes transputer products, graphics devices and fast SRAMS. For further information concerning INMOS products please contact your local INMOS sales outlet.
Part | Algorithm | Order of calculation |
Data rate MHz |
MOPS | Military available |
A100-17 | 1D convolution | 32 | 2.125-8.5 | 68-272 | yes |
A100-21 | 1D convolution | 32 | 2.5-10 | 80-320 | yes |
A100-30 | 1D convolution | 32 | 3.75-15 | 120-480 | yes |
A110-20 | 1D/2D convolution | 21x1, 7x3 | 20 | 420 | |
A121-20 | 2D DCT/IDCT / Filter | 8x8 | 20 | 320 |
Preface 1 INMOS 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Manufacturing 1.3 Assembly 1.4 Test 1.5 Quality and Reliability 1.6 Military 1.7 Future Developments 1.7.1 Research and Development 1.7.2 Process Developments 2 Digital signal processing overview 2.1 Introduction 2.2 The INMOS solution 2.3 The IMS A100 Cascadable Signal Processor Radar and sonar systems Communications 2.4 The IMS A110 Image and Signal Processor Machine vision Image compression Contrast enhancement Other applications 2.5 The IMS A121 2-D Discrete Cosine Transform Image Processor Image compression Image understanding 3 IMS A100 Cascadable signal processor 3.1 INTRODUCTION 3.2 DESCRIPTION 3.3 PIN DESIGNATIONS 3.3.1 System services Power CLK /RESET /ERROR BUSY 3.3.2 Synchronous input/output GO DIN[0-15] DOUT[0-11] CIN[0-11] OUTRDY 3.3.3 Asynchronous input/output /CS /CE /W ADR[0-6] D[0-15] 3.4 REGISTER DESCRIPTION 3.4.1 Memory map 3.4.2 Registers CCR[0-31] UCR[0-31] SCR ACR TCR DIR DOL DOH 3.4.3 Static control register Fast Output Coefficient Size Output Word Selection Continuous Swap Input Data Source Master not Slave 3.4.4 Active control register Cascade Adder Overflow Selector Overflow Initiate Bank Swap 3.4.5 Test control register Examine Full Output Word 3.5 DEVICE APPLICATIONS 3.5.1 Filtering and adaptive filtering 3.5.2 Convolution and correlation 3.5.3 Matrix multiplication 3.5.4 Fourier transforms 3.5.5 Waveform synthesis 3.5.6 General purpose accelerator 3.6 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATION 3.6.1 DC electrical characteristics Absolute maximum ratings DC operating conditions DC characteristics Capacitance 3.6.2 AC timing characteristics AC test conditions Clock Memory interface read cycle Memory interface write cycle Static read accesses to DOL and DOH registers Typical sequence - 8 bit coefficients, normal output Typical sequence - 8 bit coefficients, fast output Typical sequence - 4 bit coefficients Normal output timing - 8 bit coefficient case shown Fast output timing - 4 bit coefficient case shown External GO and data input timing Master generated GO Bankswap timing Coefficient access timing 3.7 PACKAGE SPECIFICATIONS 3.7.1 84 pin grid array package Pin grid array thermal characteristics 3.7.2 84 pin quad ceramic package Quad cerpack thermal characteristics 3.8 MILITARY STANDARD PROGRAM 3.9 ORDERING DETAILS 4 IMS A110 Image and signal processing sub-system 4.1 INTRODUCTION 4.2 DESCRIPTION 4.3 PROGRAMMABLE SHIFT REGISTERS 4.4 MAC ARRAY 4.5 BACKEND POST-PROCESSOR - hardware description 4.5.1 Shifter, Cascade Adder and Rectifier 4.5.2 Statistics Monitor 4.5.3 Data transformation unit 4.5.4 Data normalises 4.5.5 Output adder 4.5.6 Output multiplexers 4.6 BACKEND POST-PROCESSOR - Modes Of Operation 4.6.1 Default mode (after Reset) 4.6.2 Cascade adder / MAC data scalar 4.6.3 Rectification 4.6.4 Static scaling 4.6.5 Dynamic scaling 4.6.6 Simple transformation 4.6.7 Dynamic normalisation 4.7 GLOSSARY 4.8 PIN DESIGNATIONS 4.8.1 System services Power CLK /RESET 4.8.2 Synchronous services PSRin[7-0] PSRout[7-0] Cin[21-0] Cout[21-0] 4.8.3 Asynchronous input/output /E1, /E2 /W ADR[8-0] D[7-0] 4.9 REGISTER DESCRIPTION 4.9.1 Memory map 4.9.2 Registers CR0a Coefficient registers bank 0a CR0b Coefficient registers bank 0b CR0c Coefficient registers bank 0c CR1a Coefficient registers bank 1a CR1b Coefficient registers bank 1b CR1c Coefficient registers bank 1c PCRA PSRA Control register PCRB PSRB Control register PCRC PSRC Control register SCR Static control register ACR Active control register BCR Backend configuration register MMB Maximum/minimum buffer CMM Copy MMR OUB Overshoot/undershoot buffer COU Copy OUC TCR Test control register USR Upper saturation register LSR Lower saturation register LUT Look-up table 4.10 REGISTERS - BIT ALLOCATION 4.10.1 PSR control registers (PCR) 4.10.2 Static control register (SCR) 4.10.3 Active control register (ACR) 4.10.4 Backend control register 0 (BCR0) 4.10.5 Backend control register 1 (BCR1) 4.10.6 Backend control register 2 (BCR2) 4.10.7 Backend control register 3 (BCR3) 4.11 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATION 4.11.1 DC electrical characteristics Absolute maximum ratings DC operating conditions DC characteristics Capacitance 4.11.2 AC timing characteristics AC test conditions 4.11.3 Timing diagrams Clock Requirements Microprocessor Interface Read Cycle Microprocessor Interface Write Cycle Synchronous Input and Output 4.12 PACKAGE SPECIFICATIONS 4.12.1 100 pin grid array package Pin grid array thermal characteristics 4.13 ORDERING DETAILS 5 IMS A121 2-D discrete cosine transform image processor 5.1 OVERALL DEVICE OPERATION 5.1.1 The fixed ROM coefficients 5.1.2 Number formats 5.1.3 Internal Bit-field Selectors and Rounding 5.1.4 Overflow, Saturation and Clipping 5.1.5 Subtraction with the DCT function 5.1.6 Addition with the IDCT function 5.1.7 Resetting 5.2 DCT FUNCTION 5.2.1 Internal number format 5.2.2 Internal data flow 5.2.3 The mathematical basis for the DCT 5.2.4 DCT coefficients 5.2.5 DCT coefficients (14 bit signed integers) 5.3 IDCT FUNCTION 5.3.1 Internal number format 5.3.2 Internal data flow 5.3.3 The mathematical basis for the IDCT 5.3.4 IDCT coefficients 5.3.5 IDCT coefficients (14 bit signed integers) 5.4 FILTER FUNCTION 5.4.1 Internal number format 5.4.2 Internal data flow 5.4.3 Definition of filter 5.4.4 Filter coefficients 5.4.5 Filter coefficients (14 bit signed integers) 5.5 TRANSPOSER FUNCTION 5.5.1 Internal number format and data flow 5.5.2 Transposition coefficients 5.5.3 Transposition coefficients (14 bit signed integers) 5.6 PIN DESIGNATIONS 5.6.1 System services Power CLK 5.6.2 Synchronous input/output GO Din[11-0] Dout[11-0] Dx[11-3] SEL[20] 5.7 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATION 5.7.1 DC electrical characteristics Absolute maximum ratings DC operating conditions DC characteristics 5.7.2 A.C. timing characteristics Clock requirements Synchronous input and output (Din, Dout, Dx) Synchronous control (GO, SEL[2-0]) Overall data timing 5.8 PACKAGE SPECIFICATIONS 5.8.1 44 pin PLCC package PLCC thermal characteristics 5.9 ORDERING DETAILS 6 IMS B009 DSP system evaluation board 6.1 The IMS 6009 Evaluation Board 6.2 Board Description 6.3 Programming 6.4 Product summary 6.5 Technical summary 6.6 Ordering details 7 IMS D703 DSP development system 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Requirements 7.3 Software Description 7.3.1 User Applications 7.3.2 IMS A100 Model 7.3.3 Address Decoder 7.3.4 IMS B009 driver 7.3.5 IMS B009 Emulator 7.3.6 System Controller 7.3.7 Multi-Window MS-DOS Interface 7.4 Host Environment 7.5 Ordering Details 8 Digital filtering with the IMS A100 8.1 Introduction 8.2 From analogue to digital 8.3 Digital filter classifications 8.4 Digital filter design 8.4.1 Comparison between FIR and IIR filters 8.4.2 Basic design parameters 8.4.3 Design techniques suitable for FIR filters Window method Frequency sampling technique Optimal filter design - (Remez exchange algorithm) Implementing FIR filters with the IMS A100 8.4.4 The IMS A100 and IIR filters 8.4.5 Summary of the IIR filter design techniques Indirect approaches for the design of IIR filters The direct design techniques for IIR filters 8.5 Finite word-length considerations and problems 8.6 Adaptive filters 8.7 References 9 Discrete Fourier transform with the IMS A100 9.1 Introduction 9.2 The basic concepts of DFT 9.3 Algorithms for efficient evaluation of DFT 9.4 DFT algorithms suitable for the IMS A100 implementation 9.4.1 Rader's Prime Number Transform 9.4.2 The chirp-z transform 9.5 Multidimensional index mapping for DFT decomposition 9.5.1 Basic concepts of index mapping 9.5.2 Generalisation and conditions for uniqueness Relatively prime case Common factor case 9.5.3 Application of index mapping to DFT decomposition Case 1 - prime factor decomposition Case 2 - common factor decomposition 9.5.4 Extension to multiple dimensions 9.6 References 10 Correlation and convolution with the IMS A100 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Correlation concepts 10.3 Convolution concepts 10.4 Conventional hardware for time-domain evaluation of correlation 10.5 The IMS A100 Implementation of correlation/convolution 10.6 Decomposition of long correlations and convolutions 10.7 2-D image convolutions with the IMS A100 10.8 Some application examples of correlation and convolution 10.8.1 Delay and periodicity estimation 10.8.2 Noise reduction using correlation techniques 10.8.3 Pulse-compression 10.8.4 System identification using correlation 10.8.5 The Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) 10.9 References 11 Complex (I & Q) processing with the IMS A100 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Complex correlation 11.3 Complex convolution 12 Hardware considerations with the IMS A100 12.1 Introduction 12.1.1 Scope of the document 12.1.2 Document summary 12.2 The IMS A100 Device 12.2.1 Pin description and constraints Power Supply Synchronous Input/Output Memory interface asynchronous input/output System control 12.2.2 Initialisation of IMS A100s 12.2.3 An extra selector setting using TCR 12.3 Smaller IMS A100 systems 12.3.1 Board Layout Constraints 12.3.2 Memory Interface 12.3.3 Clocking 12.3.4 Data input 12.3.5 Data output and output ready 12.3.6 Master generated GO 12.3.7 External GO 12.4 Large IMS A100 systems 12.4.1 How many IMS A100 devices per board? 12.4.2 Cascading boards 12.4.3 Board Design Board description Memory Mapping 12.5 Higher Data Rates using multiple IMS A100 devices 12.5.1 Principle of operation 12.5.2 Mechanics of Operation 12.5.3 Using the cascade adders 12.5.4 Extensions to this technique 12.6 Checking and debugging 12.6.1 The Memory Interface 12.6.2 Clock, GO and output ready 12.6.3 Setting up SCR values 12.6.4 Checking the data path 12.6.5 Fault finding guide 12.7 Conclusions 12.8 References 13 Image processing with the IMS A100 13.1 Introduction 13.1.1 The aims of this document 13.1.2 Document structure 13.1.3 An overview of signal processing 13.1.4 Analogue and digital conversion 13.1.5 Techniques for digital signal processing (DSP) 13.1.6 Overview of image processing with the IMS A100 13.2 Practical methods of 2 dimensional convolution 13.2.1 2-dimensional convolution 13.2.2 Convolution template types Low pass filter Edge detection Laplacian filtering (edge detection) 13.2.3 Effect of template size 13.3 Hardware requirements for 2-D convolution 13.3.1 The IMS A100 model 13.3.2 IMS A100 initialisations for convolution 13.3.3 IMS A100 coefficient placement and data flow 13.3.4 Image scanning for a microprocessor based system Image scanning for 2-D convolution Implementation Improved image scanning for 2-D convolution Convolution efficiency 13.3.5 Moderate speed image convolution 13.3.6 Very high speed image convolution 13.4 Conclusions 13.5 Recent advances - the IMS A110 13.6 Implementation of convolution on the IMS B009 13.6.1 Frame Grabber support 13.6.2 The IMS B009 hardware 13.6.3 Transputer block move capability 13.6.4 Implementation of the 2D convolution algorithm The IMS T414 and IMS T212 Performance Image segmentation Thresholding and scaling using software LUT Transfer of Image across links 13.6.5 The Demonstration Program IMS D703 Development software Injection of noise onto Images Convolution kernel file 13.7 References 14 Cascading IMS A110s 14.1 Introduction 14.2 Operation of a single IMS A110 14.2.1 One dimensional operation of an IMS A110 14.2.2 Two dimensional operation of an IMS A110 14.3 Fundamentals of cascading IMS A110s 14.4 Cascading IMS A110s to produce long one dimensional filters 14.5 Cascading IMS A110s to produce wider two dimensional filters 14.6 Cascading IMS A110s to produce higher two dimensional filters 14.7 Cascading IMS A110s to produce wider and higher two dimensional filters 14.8 Cascading IMS A110s to perform multi pass filtering operations 14.9 Cascading IMS A110s for increased data precision 14.9.1 Increasing data precision with an external 22 bit adder 14.9.2 Increasing data precision with an external delay line 14.9.3 Increasing data precision with no external hardware 14.10 Cascading IMS A110s for increased coefficient precision 14.10.1 Increasing coefficient precision with an external 22 bit adder 14.10.2 Increasing coefficient precision with an external delay line 14.10.3 Increasing coefficient precision with no external hardware 14.11 Summary 15 The IMS A110 backend post processor 15.1 Introduction 15.2 Description of the backend post processor 15.2.1 Input block (shifter, cascade adder and rectifier) 15.2.2 Statistics monitor 15.2.3 Data conditioning unit (data transformation unit and data normalises) Data transformation unit Data normalises 15.2.4 Output unit (output adder and output multiplexers) Output adder Output multiplexers 15.3 Uses of the backend post processor 15.3.1 Local area averaging 15.3.2 Histogram equalization 15.3.3 Edge detection and enhancement Edge detection Edge enhancement 15.3.4 Feature recognition 15.3.5 Changing conditions compensation 15.3.6 Binary image processing 15.3.7 Multilevel thresholding - image contouring 15.3.8 Dynamic range compression 15.4 Summary 15.5 References A Quality and Reliability A.1 Total quality control (TQC) and reliability programme A.2 Quality and reliability in design A.3 Document control A.4 New product qualification A.5 Product monitoring programme A.6 Production testing and quality monitoring procedure A.6.1 Reliability testing A.6.2 Production testing A.6.3 Quality monitoring procedure