Occam Compiler Internal
Implementation Manual
(Haynes Manual)
_____________________________________________________________________ |
Conor O’Neill SW-0239-2 |
This document describes the internal workings of the occam compiler which is supplied as part of the D4205, D5205, D6205, and D7205 occam 2 toolsets. It is intended to be read by programmers in order to be able to understand and maintain or extend the compiler. Therefore it assumes a fair knowledge of how compilers work in general, and of the occam language.
The occam compiler is a multi-pass, hand-coded, compiler, written in ANSI C, targetted at the complete range of INMOS transputers, both 16-bit and 32-bit. It is designed to generate good code, to take fullest advantage of the transputer architecture. It does not perform local (basic block), global (procedural), or interprocedural optimisation.
This section describes how to turn the sources into an executable compiler.
The occam compiler is written in ANSI C. It consists of approximately 70,000 lines of source code, totalling 2.3 Megabytes, split over approximately 100 files. It is self-contained except for a library which performs calculations for constant folding; this library is shared with other programs. This library consists of about 5000 lines of source code, or 150 Kilobytes.
The occam compiler and occam configurer share the majority of their code. This document will not deal with the configurer-specific details. The two variants are generated by compiling with different command line switches, which control the C pre-processor. Makefiles are provided which automate the build system; different makefiles generate the compiler and configurer, though, again, the makefiles share common components.
The sources are held in two subdirectories, named ‘frontend’ and ‘backend’, which obviously correspond (more-or-less) to the divisions of the compiler. Most source files have an associated ‘.h’ header file in the same directory. The makefiles are held in the top level directory. Another subdirectory named ‘info’ holds miscellaneous information as ASCII text files.
In the top-level directory there are a collection of makefiles:
makefile | target |
makefile.s3c | Sun 3 compiler executable (oc) compiled with gcc. |
makefile.s4c | Sun 4 compiler executable (oc) compiled with gcc. |
makefile.tpc | Transputer compiler bootable (oc.btl) compiled with icc. |
The equivalent makefiles, with ending character ‘v’ rather than ‘c’, create the configurers.
These share many common sub-files, all called makefile.*, which are accessed by includes from the top-level makefiles.
Note that to create a Sun 3 compiler you must build on a Sun 3, similarly for a Sun 4. The transputer bootable can be built by either; all you need is the INMOS icc cross compiler.
The compiler uses various external header files which define its interfaces, plus some standard INMOS header files.
The configurer uses extra external headers, which are used to interface to the common configurer backend. These are listed here for completeness, though they will not be described fully.
They are: tagdefs.h, protos.h, and typedef.h.
The configurer is linked with multiple extra files which also form part of the ‘C style’ configurer; these are not described here. These routines also require a misclib library to be linked.
There are a number of names which are designed to be specified on the command line in order to enable various facilities. Some of these are only of historical relevance.
Exactly one of DEC, GNU, HELIOS, IMS, LLL, MSC, or SUN, must be defined.
Exactly one of CONFIG, ICHECK, or OC, must be defined.
There are a number of ‘hidden’ command line options available for the developer to examine the state of the compiler. These are useful when maintaining the compiler. To see a complete list, run the compiler with command line option z only. The most useful options for program maintenance are described below:
Option | Description |
ZA | Display backend diagnostics (workspace allocation, etc) and assembly output. |
If ZT is also specified, will display trees before and after mapping. | |
No object file is produced. | |
ZB | Display assembly output. No object file is produced. |
ZD | Display code just as it would be written to the object file. |
No object file is produced. | |
ZL | Display the output of the lexer. |
ZNO | Do not display assembly operands; rely on the symbolic info. |
ZO | Intersperse source and assembly output. Not fully supported. |
ZS | Allocate workspace by scope rather than variable usage. |
ZSC | Stop after the type checker. |
ZSM | Stop after workspace mapping. |
ZSP | Stop after parsing. |
ZST | Stop after tree transformation phase. |
ZT | Print the tree. |
ZU | Stop after Usage checking; also enables usage checking diagnostics. |
The front end consists mainly of: A hand-written lexer, which tokenises the input source. A hand-written recursive-descent parser, which builds an abstract syntax tree. A type checker, which traverses the tree, resolves name scoping, and performs occam type checking, and checking of other language rules. A usage and alias checker, which is optionally invoked, to check that names are not aliased, and to check that variables and channels are used correctly in parallel constructs.
The back end consists mainly of: A tree transformation phase, which walks the tree and performs some simplifying transformations. It also performs INLINE expansion, and a few back-end specific transformations for the code generator. A mapping phase, which takes each procedure in turn, and inserts temporaries whenever they are required. It then allocates variables to workspace locations, based on their estimated dynamic frequency of use. A debug phase, which writes the symbolic debug information to the object file. A code generation phase generates code directly into a buffer (not to an assembly file). A code-crunching phase resolves branches, and creates optimal prefix sequences for the jumps, then writes the object file. This also writes the debug information specifying the relationship between code addresses and source lines.
The files which comprise the compiler frontend are grouped according to the phase of the compiler, ie. lexer, parser, checker, and usage checker. Each *.c file has a corresponding *def.h file. This contains declarations which are visible to other files in the same group, (eg, all the chk*.c files), but which should not be visible to other parts of the compiler. Each group also supplies header files which are visible to the whole compiler. The names for these are not particularly consistent. (Note: These ‘rules’ are broken more often than they are kept).
The frontend files are currently as follows:
Files | Phase | Description |
chk*.c | Type checker | Type checking routines. |
chk*def.h | Type checker | Headers for above. |
chkdef.h | Type checker | External interface to type checker. |
chkerror.h | Type checker | Error codes for type checker. |
conf*.c | Configurer | Configuration routines. |
conf*def.h | Configurer | Headers for above. |
confdef.h | Configurer | External interface for configurer. |
confhdr.h | Configurer | Miscellaneous internal data for configurer. |
desc*.c | Object file reading/writing routines. | |
desc*def.h | Headers for above. | |
deschdr.h | External interface for object files. | |
err*.c | Error reporting routines. | |
errhdr.h | External interface for error reporting routines. | |
includes.h | Generic include file which simply #includes many others. | |
inst.c | Routines for ASM inserts and disassembly. | |
instdef.h | External interface for ASM, and disassembly. | |
instruct.h | Instruction encodings. | |
lex*.c | Lexer | Lexer routines, and nametable. |
lex*def.h | Lexer | Headers for above. |
lexconst.h | Lexer | Miscellaneous lexing constants. |
lexdef.h | Lexer | External interface for lexer. |
lexerror.h | Lexer | Error codes for lexer. |
lexhdr.h | Lexer | Tree tag values. |
list*.* | List manipulation routines. | |
misc*.* | Miscellaneous support for portability problems. | |
nameshdr.h | Definition of symbol table access functions. | |
ochdr.h | Miscellaneous host-specific checks - used by includes.h. | |
popen*.* | Opening files using path searching. | |
predefhd.h | Definitions for occam predefines. | |
syn*.c | Parser | Parsing routines. |
syn*def.h | Parser | Headers for above. |
syndef.h | Parser | External interface for parser. |
synerror.h | Parser | Error codes for parser. |
treedef.h | Definition of tree structure. | |
use*.c | Usage checker | Usage and alias checking routines. |
use*def.h | Usage checker | Headers for above. |
usedef.h | Usage checker | External interface for usage and alias checker. |
useerror.h | Usage checker | Error codes for usage and alias checking. |
usehdr.h | Usage checker | Common structures, etc, for usage checker. |
vti*.c | Memory allocation and Tree manipulation routines. | |
vti.h | Abstract interface to tree structures, | |
and external interface for tree manipulation routines. | ||
vtierror.h | Error codes for tree manipulation routines. | |
The files which comprise the backend are not so well partitioned. Because much of the same work must be performed in the mapping and code generation phases, they are generally combined into the same files.
The backend files are currently as follows:
File | Phase | Description |
bind1*.* | Mapper | Top level process mapping routines. |
bind2*.* | Mapper | Top level expression mapping routines. |
bind3*.* | Mapper | Workspace allocation. |
code*.* | Code cruncher | Code crunching and object file generation. |
debug*.* | Debug information generation. | |
gen*.* | Mapper and Code generator | General routines. |
generror.h | Mapper and Code generator | Backend error codes. |
genhdr.h | Mapper and Code generator | Common structures, etc. |
harndef.h | Details of command line option flags, etc. | |
harness.h | Startup harness and command line parser. | |
srcout*.* | Support for ZO command line option. | |
tran*.* | Tree transformation | General routines. |
version.c | Compiler version string. | |
This section describes briefly what each phase does, in terms of its inputs and outputs, and its effects on other structures like the tree. Because of the complexity of the compiler, this description is not exhaustive!
The lexer is called from the parser, via a function nextsymb(). This sets a global variable symb to the ‘value’ of the next token. These values are the same tokens as are used by the tree tags later on, all denoted by S_ (but note that not all tokens require a tree node), or S_NAME for identifiers.
The lexer deals with line buffering, expanding tabs, etc. Indentation is dealt with by setting global variables to the current line’s indentation, etc. These are interrogated by the parser when required. This approach was taken rather than using ‘indent’ and ‘outdent’ tokens because ‘inline’ VALOFs complicate the latter method. The lexer does not expand #INCLUDE directives transparently; these are noticed by the parser, which then tells the lexer to intepret the new file. Similarly for #USE, #PRAGMA directives, etc.
At startup, the lexer pumps a specially encoded set of strings into the parser, which represent the predefined routine headers. This makes it easy to add predefines when required.
The lexer contains a ‘name table’. This is used to turn all names and strings into pointers, so that string equality can be tested by comparing pointers for equality. This name table has no notion of scoping, so multiple variables called x, say, will all map to the same name table entry.
The parser is simply a recursive descent parser. The top level view of an occam program is a list of occam declarations, but with no process at the end. Eg. it looks something like this:
PROC p ()
... body of procedure : PROC q () ... body of procedure : |
The parser initially parses a list of declarations, allowing any style of declarations. This is then checked to ensure that no variables are declared at this outermost level.
The parser consists of many routines which parse portions of the language. These correspond (more-or-less) to the syntactic categories of occam, complicated by some of the more difficult aspects of occam, such as the ablility to encounter a declaration followed by a VALOF inside an expression.
Each routine for parsing a production normally creates and returns a sub-tree, or returns NULL if there was an error. These sub-trees are combined by the higher level routines to create a full parse tree. This contains all the original program information, (ie you can re-create the original source code), except that comments have been stripped out.
Every construct which declares a name also creates a namenode, which is essentially the symbol table entry. These refer back to the name table for the name. The declaration contains a pointer to the namenode, and vice-versa. Variable names, etc., appearing elsewhere in the tree (eg. in expressions) are indicated by a pointer to their name table entry. The format of the name table entry is sufficiently like a normal tree node that later phases can distinguish them by examining their tag.
The type checker’s first role is to resolve name scoping. It walks the tree ‘top-down’, and at every name declaration, it finds the corresponding symbol table entry (namenode) from one of the fields of the declaration node. The symbol table entries are pushed onto a scope stack. When a name table entry is encountered later in the tree walk, it must be resolved to the correctly scoped symbol. This is done by searching through the scope stack to find the first symbol with the same name. The name table entry in the tree is then replaced by the symbol table entry. (This actually occurs by overwriting a pointer). As symbols go out of scope, the namenodes are popped off the scope stack (but they remain in existence, now being only accessable via the tree).
After resolving names, on the ‘bottom-up’ pass the type checker uses the symbol table information for each name to resolve the types of sub-expressions and to check the types where required. If sub-expressions are constant, they are folded on this bottom-up pass. Type information is inserted into operator nodes. Many other occam rules are checked here, such as requiring constants in certain places, disallowing ALTs inside functions, etc.
This phase begins by walking the tree and attaching a list of free variables to each procedure and function. This list indicates whether each name is read from, written to, input on, or output on. This information is used by both the alias and usage checkers. There are also a couple of checks performed here (eg, that channel parameters and free channels may only be used in a single direction.) This section is not optional.
The alias and usage checkers are optional. The alias checking is performed first; if this is successful usage checking can be applied.
Alias checking walks the tree and looks at abbreviations, and parameter lists, to check that they follow the occam rules that any item of data may only be referred to by a single name in any particular scope. Where this cannot be checked at compile time, a special node type overlapcheck is added to the tree containing the information which is needed to create the run-time check.
Usage checking involves detecting whether variables and channels are correctly used in parallel constructs. (This includes multiple assignment). Each procedure is checked separately, using free variable information to check procedure instances.
This section again walks the tree. It expands procedures and functions which were marked as INLINE by the programmer. After each function expansion, it again constant folds the expression.
This phase also inserts subscript checks into those array accesses which cannot be checked at compile time. (This includes array segments too). It also expands the overlapchecks inserted by the alias checker into an expression which performs the check when evaluated.
Finally, each array access or segment access is processed to make it easier to code generate from. Constant subscripts are folded, so that the resulting array access is given by an array base, plus a constant offset, plus a variable expression.
The mapper performs two main roles. Its major role is to map variables to workspace locations (this is directly analogous to register allocation). To do this, it has to know which temporaries are required. Hence it needs to perform most of the code generation, to work out when temporaries are required. It also turns un-implemented arithmetic operations into library calls, and turns i/o into library calls where required.
For each procedure in turn, in a bottom up order, the mapper walks the code for that routine. When it encounter a variable declaration (or abbreviation, etc), it adds that variable to the list to be allocated. As it walks the tree, it keeps a usage count for each variable, based on an estimated loop count, etc. This approximates the dynamic usage count of each variable.
Where expressions are too complicated to fit into the transputer’s register stack, the mapper introduces temporary variables. It also reserves workspace locations which are required for procedure and function calls, as well as augmenting their parameter lists with hidden parameters for static links, vectorspace pointers, and hidden array dimensions. Temporaries are introduced and killed explicitly by the mapper; hence they do not need to follow occam scoping rules (for example, they can exist for ‘half’ of an expression). Temporaries which are no longer live may be re-used, to reduce the number of different variables.
As it completes each procedure body, it allocates workspace slots. The variables are sorted into order according to their estimated usage. The ‘reserved’ locations are marked first, then the variables are taken in turn and mapped onto the lowest workspace location which does not clash with any other variables which are in scope at the same time. (This is the only form of liveness analysis which is performed). After the first 16 workspace locations have been mapped, the remaining variables are re-sorted into scope order, since this is more space efficient, and the most used variables will by now have been allocated to all the offsets which require no prefixing. The total required workspace size is recorded as part of the symbol table entry for that routine.
Sub-processes of PAR and replicated PAR are mapped separately, and the mapper introduces a new node into the tree, (a spacenode), which records the space requirements for later. Replicated PARs are considered to be a new lexical level, and all their non-local accesses are performed via a static link.
Having mapped all variables, the symbolic information is now known. The debug phase walks the tree again, top-down, and writes to the object file what is, in effect, a copy of the interesting parts of the code. This includes all variable’s details, plus workspace requirements for routines and PAR bodies. Note that the mapping of code addresses to source lines cannot be performed yet; this is done after code crunching.
The code generator phase walks the tree in a bottom up order, and generates code for each routine in the same order that their definitions are completed. It also outputs constant arrays which are encountered, again in the same order. Since all workspace offsets have been chosen, it can generate directly to transputer instructions, including operands for primary instructions. It marks labels and jumps to be resolved by the code cruncher. It also inserts markers to indicate the relationship between code address and source code offsets for the debug information.
It does not go through a textual assembly phase.
The code cruncher resolves jumps for a single procedure at a time, adjusting the prefixing instructions to optimise code size. (This also resolves the debug information). Because of the order in which the routines are generated, at the end of each routine there can be no unresolved references. Therefore the code is then packed up into the code buffer.
When all routines have been generated, these packed routines are written out to the code file, in reverse order. This ensures that all procedure calls are forward, and therefore do not need to use nfix instructions. Thus the code in the object file contains routines in the reverse order in which their definitions are completed.
The tree interface routines provide a mechanism for abstracting away from the actual tree implementation. The tree structure fields are never manipulated directly. A set of macros are provided which provide a cleaner interface to the tree, both for setting and reading tree fields.
There are also a number of routines which exist for tree manipulation. There are constructor functions for each node type, but no destructor functions because the memory is never recovered. There are tree walking routines which apply a function to every node of the tree. There are variants of these which do not walk inside expressions. There is also a routine which prints out a tree; this is useful for debugging (see also the command line switches).
Each node of the tree contains a tag, denoting the exact type of node, plus location information, indicating which file and line this node was generated by. Tree tags all begin with S_.
The tags do not each have a different node struture; they are grouped into various node types according to structure and use. For example, tags S_ASSIGN and S_CASE_INPUT are both actionodes. The routine int nodetypeoftag ( int tag ) can be used to determine node type given a tag; the macro int TagOf( treenode *tptr ) can be used to determine a treenode’s tag.
The tree is never manipulated directly; instead macros are used which provide a ‘virtual tree interface’. These macros are found in vti.h. For each node type there are a set of macros to access the fields. Each macro which reads a field has a name ending in ...Of; for example TagOf is a macro which will return the tag of any node. The macros for setting fields all begin with Set..., for example SetTag. There are also macros which return the address of a field, which are formed by replacing the ...Of with ...Addr.
Macros valid on all treenodes are:
Macro | Description |
int TagOf | Tag value |
SOURCEPOSN LocnOf | File and line number information |
actionnodes denote simple actions with ‘two parts’ such as: Assignment (both simple and multiple), CASE statements (second part is the list of selections), CASE input (ditto), Delayed input, input, output.
The possible tag values for an actionnode are:
Tag name | Description |
S_ASS | Simple or Multiple Assignment |
S_CASE | CASE statement |
S_DELAYED_INPUT | timer input AFTER time |
S_INPUT | channel or timer input |
S_OUTPUT | channel output |
Macros valid on an actionnode are:
Macro | Description |
treenode *LHSOf | ‘Left hand side’ of process |
treenode *RHSOf | ‘Right hand side’ of process |
altnodes denote branches of an ALT. They include the boolean guard expression, together with the input to be performed, and the process to execute. Specifications which precede the input are moved (by the mapper), to precede the process rather than the input, if they are not required for the input itself.
The only possible tag value for an altnode is S_ALTERNATIVE.
Macros valid on an altnode are:
Macro | Description |
treenode *AltGuardOf | Boolean expression for guard |
treenode *AltInputOf | Input process |
treenode *AltBodyOf | Body of the alternative |
treenode *AltChanExpOf | Copy of the channel expression from the input |
int AltLabelOf | Label number; used in backend |
arraynodes are used to denote an array type. They hold a size expression, and a sub type. If the size is constant, the value is constant folded into another field; this is -1 if unknown (eg formal parameters of open array type). Multiple dimensioned arrays are formed as arrays of arrays.
The only possible tag value for an arraynode is S_ARRAY.
Macros valid on an arraynode are:
Macro | Description |
treenode *ARDimLengthOf | Expression for this dimension’s size |
treenode *ARTypeOf | Sub-type of the array |
int ARDimOf | Constant folded dimension size |
arraysubnodes are used to denote an array subscription. They hold fields indicating the base, and the subscript. They are processed in the tree transformation phase to combine ‘nested’ subscriptions, and to constant fold multiple constant subscripts.
The possible tag values for an arraysubnode are:
Tag name | Description |
S_ARRAYITEM | Subscription after processing for the backend |
S_ARRAYSUB | Subscription |
S_RECORDSUB | Configurer - subfield (attribute of a NODE) |
Macros valid on an arraysubnode are:
Macro | Description |
treenode *ASBaseOf | Base of the subscription |
treenode *ASIndexOf | Index expression |
treenode *ASExpOf | S_ARRAYITEM only: variable expression |
treenode *ASLengthOf | S_ARRAYITEM only: length expression, if not constant |
int ASExpOf | S_ARRAYITEM only: constant folded offset |
When the tag is S_RECORDSUB, the ASIndex field will always consist of a namenode with tag N_FIELD.
channodes are used to denote CHAN or PORT types. They simply hold the protocol for that type.
The only possible tag values for a channode are S_CHAN and S_PORT.
Macros valid on a channode are:
Macro | Description |
treenode *ProtocolOf | Protocol of the channel or port |
cnodes are ‘constructor’ processes, such as ALT etc. They simply contain a list of sub-processes.
The possible tag values for a cnode are:
Tag name | Description |
S_ALT | ALT construct |
S_ASM | ASM construct (assembler insert) |
S_DO | DO construct (configurer) |
S_GUY | GUY construct (obsolete assembler insert) |
S_IF | IF construct |
S_PAR | PAR construct |
S_PLACEDPAR | PLACED PAR construct (configurer) |
S_PRIALT | PRI ALT construct |
S_PRIPAR | PRI PAR construct |
S_SEQ | SEQ construct |
Macros valid on a cnode are:
Macro | Description |
treenode *CBodyOf | List of sub-processes |
treenode *CTempOf | Used by backend for ALTs |
condnodes are conditional nodes, and are used for the guards of an IF. Since they hold a (boolean) expression, together with a process, they are also used for WHILE statements, and the selections of a CASE statement (where the expression is not necessarily boolean).
The possible tag values for a condnode are:
Tag name | Description |
S_CHOICE | guard of an IF construct |
S_SELECTION | selection of a CASE construct |
S_WHILE | WHILE construct |
Macros valid on a condnode are:
Macro | Description |
treenode *CondGuardOf | (Boolean) guard expression |
treenode *CondBodyOf | Body process |
When the tag is S_SELECTION, CondGuardOf is either a list of constants, or an S_ELSE node.
confignodes are only used by the configurer. They hold details of configuration hardware and mapping properties.
The possible tag values for a confignode are:
Tag name | Description |
S_SET | set type of a NODE |
S_CONNECT | connect links |
S_MAP | map logical name onto physical name |
Macros valid on a confignode are:
Macro | When valid | Description |
treenode *STDevOf | S_SET | NODE name |
treenode *STAttrNameOf | S_SET | List of attribute names |
treenode *STAttrExpOf | S_SET | List of attribute values |
treenode *ConnectFromEdgeOf | S_CONNECT | Edge of connection |
treenode *ConnectToEdgeOf | S_CONNECT | Edge of connection |
treenode *ConnectArcOf | S_CONNECT | Arc of connection |
treenode *MapSourceOf | S_MAP | Logical name |
treenode *MapDestOf | S_MAP | Physical name |
treenode *MapPriOf | S_MAP | Priority (NODEs only) |
constexpnodes are used for scalar constants. They hold the value (up to 64 bits) plus a representation of how the constant was generated, so that the original constant could be re-generated.
The only possible tag value for a constexpnode is S_CONSTEXP.
Macros valid on a constexpnode are:
Macro | Description |
treenode *CExpOf | Original expression tree |
BIT32 HiValOf | Upper 32 bits of value |
BIT32 LoValOf | Lower 32 bits of value |
treenode *CENextOf | Used by backend for constant tables |
INT32 CEOffsetOf | Used by backend for constant tables |
consttablenodes are used for array constants. They hold a pointer to a name table entry which holds the data, plus a representation of the original expression. Strings are also represented using consttablenodes.
The only possible tag values for a consttablenode are S_CONSTCONSTRUCTOR and S_STRING.
Macros valid on a consttablenode are:
Macro | Description |
wordnode *CTValOf | Name table entry containing byte string |
treenode *CTExpOf | Original expression tree |
treenode *CTNextOf | Used by backend for constant tables |
int CTLabelOf | Used by backend for constant tables |
declnodes denote any occam declaration. These include variable declarations, abbreviations, procedure declarations, etc. (In fact, anything which ends in a colon). The fields of the node contain the name, (actually held as a pointer to the symbol table entry (namenode)), (or a list of names in the case of a multiple variable declaration), the ‘value’ of the name (eg the right hand side of an abbreviation, or a procedure body), and the trailing process (ie the process which follows the colon). By a quirk of history, the trailing process is denoted as the ‘body’, which can cause confusion! The ‘type’ of the name being declared is held in the symbol table entry. This includes formal parameter lists for procedures and functions.
The possible tag values for a declnode are:
Tag name | Description |
S_ABBR | [ specifier ] name IS element : |
S_CONFIG | Configurer CONFIG construct |
S_DECL | Variable declaration |
S_LABELDEF | Assembler label declaration |
S_LFUNCDEF | ‘Long’ (multi-line) FUNCTION declaration |
S_NETWORK | Configurer NETWORK construct |
S_MAPPING | Configurer MAPPING construct |
S_PLACE | PLACE name AT expression : |
S_PLACEON | Configurer PLACE namelist ON physical : |
S_PROCDEF | PROC declaration |
S_RETYPE | specifier name RETYPES element : |
S_SFUNCDEF | ‘Short’ (single-line) FUNCTION declaration |
S_SPROTDEF | Sequential PROTOCOL declaration |
S_TPROTDEF | Tagged PROTOCOL declaration |
S_VALABBR | VAL [ specifier ] name IS element : |
S_VALRETYPE | VAL specifier name RETYPES element : |
or PLACE name AT WORKSPACE expression : | |
Macros valid on a declnode are:
Macro | Description |
treenode *DNameOf | namenode of declared name |
treenode *DValOf | ‘Value’ of name; eg. PROC body, or rhs of abbreviation |
treenode *DBodyOf | Process which is the scope of the declaration |
S_DECL nodes may declare a list of names. This can only occur where multiple variables are declared in a single declaration; there is no other way to declare multiple symbols in a single declaration. In this case, the DNameOf field contains a list of namenodes. Note that these namenodes will share a common NTypeOf type tree.
dopnodes denote any dyadic operator. They are also used for counted array protocols, because they have two parts, also for ASM statements! They hold two expression fields, plus another denoting the type of the operator.
The possible tag values for a dopnode are:
Tag name | occam | Compiler Description |
S_ADD | + | |
S_AND | AND | |
S_BITAND | /\ | |
S_BITOR | \/ | |
S_CCNT1 | Inserted for ‘Check count from 1’ (range checks) | |
S_COLON2 | :: | Used for counted array protocols |
S_CSUB0 | Inserted for ‘Check subscript from 0’ (range checks) | |
S_DIV | / | |
S_EQ | = | |
S_EVAL | Eval lhs then rhs; used for overlapchecks | |
S_FOR | FROM x FOR y; used for overlapchecks | |
S_GE | >= | |
S_GR | > | |
S_GUYCODE | Assembler instruction | |
S_GUYSTEP | Assembler instruction with microcode stepping | |
S_LE | <= | |
S_LS | < | |
S_LSHIFT | << | |
S_MULT | * | |
S_NE | <> | |
S_OR | OR | |
S_OVERLAPCHECK | Overlapcheck node | |
S_REM | \ | |
S_RSHIFT | >> | |
S_SUBTRACT | - | |
S_XOR | >< | |
Macros valid on a dopnode are:
Macro | Description |
treenode *LeftOpOf | Left operand tree |
treenode *RightOpOf | Right operand tree |
int DOpTypeOf | Type of operand (note that all are scalar operations) |
If the node is a S_GUYCODE or S_GUYSTEP, then the ‘left’ operand is the name table entry containing the instruction string, and the ‘right’ operand is the instruction operand. The ‘type’ field is initialised by the type checker to the instruction opcode.
hiddenparamnodes are used to denote extra parameters which are inserted into a PROC or FUNCTION parameter list by the compiler. These include the results of FUNCTIONs which do not fit onto the integer stack, and parameters passed to ‘fill in’ open array dimensions. They are all inserted in the backend of the compiler.
The possible tag values for a hiddenparamnode are:
Tag name | Description |
S_FNACTUALRESULT | Actual result parameter passed by reference |
S_FNFORMALRESULT | Formal result parameter passed by reference |
S_HIDDEN_PARAM | Open array dimension |
S_PARAM_VSP | Hidden parameter for procedure vectorspace pointer |
Macros valid on a hiddenparamnode are:
Macro | Description |
treenode *HExpOf | Expression or type to which it applies |
BIT32 DimensionOf | Dimension which hidden param represents |
or Vectorspace offset for an actual parameter S_PARAM_VSP | |
Important note: Both S_FNACTUALRESULT and S_FNFORMALRESULT nodes break the tree structure; ie their HExpOf field is actually a pointer to another part of the tree. Care must be taken here!
instancenodes are used to denote procedure or function instances. They include a list of actual parameters. The list is augmented by the mapper to include hidden parameters if necessary.
The only possible tag values for an instancenode are S_FINSTANCE and S_PINSTANCE.
Macros valid on a instancenode are:
Macro | Description |
treenode *INameOf | namenode of instanced routine |
treenode *IParamListOf | Actual parameter list |
int ILoadSeqOf | Used by backend |
leafnodes are used to denote any construct which needs to hold no extra information; examples are the types INT, INT16, etc, also the processes SKIP, STOP.
The possible tag values for a leafnode are:
Tag name | Description |
S_ANY | Protocol for CHAN OF ANY |
S_ARC | Configurer ARC |
S_BOOL | |
S_BYTE | |
S_DUMMYEXP | Dummy expression for compiler-generated S_CONSTEXP |
S_EDGE | Configurer EDGE |
S_END | Marker for end of outermost list of declarations |
S_ELSE | |
S_NODE | Configurer NODE |
S_INT | |
S_INT16 | |
S_INT32 | |
S_INT64 | |
S_LABEL | Type of an assembler label |
S_PARAM_STATICLINK | Hidden parameter for procedure static link |
S_REAL32 | |
S_REAL64 | |
S_SKIP | |
S_STOP | |
S_TRUE | |
S_UNDECLARED | Used while type checking in case of errors |
There are no other access macros for a leafnode.
Important note: Currently all dummy expressions are simply pointers to a globally used S_DUMMYEXP leafnode. Hence they break the tree structure.
listnodes are used for a generic list structure. They consist of a ThisItem field, and a NextItem field. They are also used for a special case: the type of a function has two lists; one containing a list of return types, the other containing a list of formal parameters. The two lists are separated by a special listnode.
The only possible tag values for a listnode are S_LIST and S_FNTYPE.
Macros valid on a listnode are:
Macro | Description |
treenode *ThisItem | This item on the list |
treenode *NextItem | Next item on the list |
treenode *FnTypeListOf | FUNCTION return type list |
treenode *FnParamsOf | FUNCTION formal parameter list |
The macro int EmptyList(treenode *) can be used to determine when a list is empty.
litnodes are used to denote constant literals from the source code. They simply hold an entry in the name table which contains the string denoting that literal.
The possible tag values for a litnode are:
Tag name | Example | Note |
S_BYTELIT | 27(BYTE) | |
S_INTLIT | 27(INT) | |
S_INT16LIT | 27(INT16) | |
S_INT32LIT | 27(INT32) | |
S_INT64LIT | 27(INT64) | |
S_REAL32LIT | 27.0(REAL32) | |
S_REAL64LIT | 27.0(REAL64) | |
S_UBYTELIT | ’a’ | converted to S_BYTELIT |
S_UINTLIT | 27 | converted to S_INTLIT |
S_UREALLIT | 27.0 | converted to S_REALnnLIT |
Macros valid on a litnode are:
Macro | Description |
wordnode *StringPtrOf | Name table entry containing literal string |
These nodes are all constant folded into S_CONSTEXP nodes by the type checking phase.
mopnodes are used to denote monadic operators. They have a field describing the expression, and another denoting the type of the operator. Table constructors are also denoted by a mopnode, where the expression is actually a list of expressions.
The possible tag values for a mopnode are:
Tag name | occam | Compiler Description |
S_ADDRESSOF | Used in Assembler, and by backend | |
S_BITNOT | ~ | Bitwise negation |
S_CONSTRUCTOR | Eg. [x + y, z, 27] | |
S_ELSIZE | Equvalent to SIZE, inserted by backend | |
S_EXACT | type conversion | Eg. INT16 int |
S_NEG | - | Unary negation |
S_NOT | NOT | Boolean negation |
S_ROUND | type conversion | Eg. REAL32 ROUND int |
S_SEGSTART | Start of segment, inserted by backend | |
S_TRUNC | type conversion | Eg. REAL32 TRUNC int |
Macros valid on a mopnode are:
Macro | Description |
treenode *OpOf | Expression tree |
int MOpTypeOf | Type of operand (note that all are scalar operations) |
Important note: Both S_ELSIZE and S_SEGSTART nodes break the tree structure; ie their OpOf field is actually a pointer to another part of the tree. Care must be taken here!
namenodes constitute the symbol table and are described in another section.
processornodes are only used by the configurer.
The only possible tag value for a processornode is S_PROCESSOR.
Macros valid on a processornode are:
Macro | Description |
treenode *ProcessorExpOf | |
treenode *ProcessorTypeOf | |
treenode *ProcessorBodyOf | |
treenode *ProcessorScopeOf | |
replcnodes are used to denote replicated constructors, such as PAR i = ... etc. They have fields to denote the symbol table entry of the replicator variable, and the start and length expressions, plus the body of the replicator.
The possible tag values for a replcnode are:
Tag name | Description |
S_PLACEDREPLPAR | PLACED PAR i = ... (configurer) |
S_REPLALT | ALT i = ... |
S_REPLDO | DO i = ... (configurer) |
S_REPLIF | IF i = ... |
S_REPLPAR | PAR i = ... |
S_REPLSEQ | SEQ i = ... |
Macros valid on a replcnode are:
Macro | Description |
treenode *ReplCNameOf | namenode of replicator variable |
treenode *ReplCStartExpOf | Start expression tree |
treenode *ReplCLengthExpOf | Length expression tree |
treenode *ReplCBodyOf | Replicated process body |
treenode *ReplCTempOf | Used by backend for ALT |
segmentnodes are used to denote segments of arrays. They hold the base of the segment, plus a start and length expression. In the tree transformation phase these are manipulated in a similar way to arraysubnodes.
The only possible tag values for a segmentnode are S_SEGMENT and S_SEGMENTITEM. The latter indicates that the node has been processed by the tree transformation phase.
Macros valid on a segmentnode are:
Macro | Description |
treenode *SNameOf | Expression denoting base of segment |
treenode *SStartExpOf | Start expression tree |
treenode *SLengthExpOf | Length expression tree |
treenode *SCheckExpOf | S_SEGMENTITEM only: range checking |
treenode *SSubscriptExpOf | S_SEGMENTITEM only: variable expression |
treenode *SLengthOf | S_SEGMENTITEM only: length expression, if not constant |
int SOffsetOf | S_SEGMENTITEM only: constant folded offset |
spacenodes are inserted by the mapper into PAR and replicated PAR constructs. They hold details of the workspace requirements for each branch of the PAR.
The only possible tag value for a spacenode is S_SPACENODE.
Macros valid on a spacenode are:
Macro | Description |
treenode *SpBodyOf | Body of PAR |
INT32 SpMaxwspOf | ‘Above workspace’ space required |
INT32 SpDatasizeOf | Total space including ‘below workspace’ |
INT32 SpVSUsageOf | Vectorspace requirements |
INT32 SpNestedVSOf | Vectorspace requirements for nested calls |
BIT32 SpCPOffsetOf | Constant table offset in replicated PAR |
treenode *SpNamechainOf | Names declared in body (?) |
valofnodes are used to denote a VALOF, which has a process and a result list. The body of a function will always be a valofnode.
The only possible tag value for a valofnode is S_VALOF.
Macros valid on a valofnode are:
Macro | Description |
treenode *VLBodyOf | Body of VALOF process |
treenode *VLResultListOf | RESULT list |
variantnodes are used to denote a variant of a case input process. They hold a list of input items (beginning with a protocol tag), and a process to be performed.
The only possible tag value for a variantnode is S_VARIANT.
Macros valid on a variantnode are:
Macro | Description |
treenode *VRBodyOf | Body of variant |
treenode *VRTaggedListOf | List of input expressions |
See another section about the name table.
The name table is a data structure used for storing names, keywords, and various other strings, without duplication. When adding a name to the name table, if it is already there, a pointer to the original is returned. If not, a new name table entry is created, and its pointer is returned. This means that pointers may be tested for equality to determine string equality.
Each name in the table also has a tag attributed with it. Keywords are initialised so that their strings have the correct tag associated. This is used by the lexer as a quick way of looking up keywords. Any new names are given the tag S_NAME. Miscellaneous strings are also stored in the name table; in this case the associated tag is ignored.
Name table entries are represented as wordnodes. The have the same tag layout as tree nodes so that they can be distinguished by using TagOf(). wordnodes do not have ‘location’ information, as they are not associated with a particular filename and line number. wordnodes are not found after the type checking phase.
The only possible tag values for a wordnode (when found in the tree) are S_NAME and S_ASMNAME. The latter is used by specific names which are only permitted inside ASM constructs.
Macros valid on a wordnode are:
Macro | Description |
int WTagOf | Tag (can also use TagOf() |
char *WNameOf | Pointer to character string |
int WLengthOf | Length of character string |
wordnode *WNextOf | Used internally by name table |
The symbol table never exists in its own right, but is distributed into lots of namenodes which hang off the tree. Each declnode (declaration node) of the tree holds a pointer to the namenode of the corresponding declaration. These namenodes all have tags beginning N_, but otherwise are of the same form as other tree nodes. Temporaries are also namenodes. Their tags begin with T_.
The possible tag values for a namenode are:
Tag name | Description |
N_ABBR | Abbreviation |
N_CONFIG | Configurer - named CONFIG construct |
N_DECL | Variable declaration |
N_FIELD | Configurer - field (attribute) of a record |
N_LABELDEF | ASM or GUY label |
N_MAPPING | Configurer - named MAPPING construct |
N_NETWORK | Configurer - named NETWORK construct |
N_PARAM | Formal parameter |
N_PREDEFPROC | Predefined PROC |
N_PROCDEF | Procedure |
N_REPL | Replicator variable |
N_SCPROCDEF | SC PROC (obsolete) |
N_STDLIBFUNCDEF | ‘Standard library’ FUNCTION |
N_STDLIBPROCDEF | ‘Standard library’ PROC |
N_VALABBR | VAL abbreviation |
N_VALPARAM | VAL formal parameter |
T_PREEVALTEMP | Temporary which has already been evaluated |
T_REGTEMP | Register temporary - used for FUNCTION results |
T_RESERVEDWS | Reserved low workspace - used for ALT and param slots |
T_TEMP | Temporary |
All symbols have the following subsidiary fields, with differing levels of relevance to different types of symbols: Note that each of these macros actually takes a wordnode; but since all node types are merged into a union treenode, the ‘prototypes’ indicate this. These access macros are held in nameshdr.h.
Procedure and function formal parameter lists can be accessed by the routines treenode *NParamListOf(treenode *nptr) and void SetNParamList(treenode *nptr, treenode *list). These determine whether the routine is a function or procedure, and access the formal parameter list, either via the S_FNTYPE node, or directly.
Data items such as variables, channels, etc, hold other more specific data:
Mode | Description |
NM_DEFAULT | Not yet decided. |
NM_WORKSPACE | Item is placed in current stack frame. |
NM_VECSPACE | Current stack frame contains a pointer to vectorspace. |
NM_PLACED | PLACED at an absolute address. |
NM_POINTER | Accessed via a pointer (eg. formal param or abbreviation). |
NM_WSPLACED | PLACED at a specific workspace address. |
The ‘memo’ function int isinvectorspace() can be applied to a variable’s namenode. If the mode is still NM_DEFAULT, it will decide and convert it to either NM_WORKSPACE or NM_VECSPACE.
Variables are placed into vectorspace if vectorspace is enabled and 1) They are an array; and 2) either they use more than 8 bytes, or they are of a type which is smaller than a word.
Procedures and Functions hold other more specific data:
‘Normal’ routines, (tag values N_PROCDEF, N_LFUNCDEF, or N_SFUNCDEF), ie. those actually being compiled, also hold the following:
Separately compiled routines, (tag values N_LIBPROCDEF, N_LIBFUNCDEF, N_SCPROCDEF, N_SCFUNCDEF, N_STDLIBPROCDEF, N_STDLIBFUNCDEF), which have been #USEd from a library, also hold the following:
Predefined routines, (tag values N_PREDEFPROC or N_PREDEFFUNCTON), also hold the following: