DEF dead = 0, alive = NOT dead : -- possible states of each cell DEF radius = 1 , -- radius of the `sphere of influence' diameter = (2 * radius) + 1 , neighbours = (diameter * diameter) - 1 : -- consequent number of neighbours PROC link[], VALUE in[], state, VAR next.state) = VAR count : -- number of living neighbours SEQ VAR state.of.neighbour[neighbours] : SEQ PAR i = [0 FOR neighbours] -- receive present state link[in[i]] ? state.of.neighbour[i] -- from each neighbour count := 0 SEQ i = [0 FOR neighbours] IF state.of.neighbour[i] = alive count := count + 1 -- count the number alive state.of.neighbour[i] = dead SKIP IF count < 2 -- if too few next.state := dead -- die from isolation count = 2 -- if exactly two next.state := state -- this cell is stable count = 3 -- if exactly three next.state := alive -- give birth if dead count > 3 -- if too many next.state := dead : -- die from overcrowding PROC broadcast.present.state(CHAN link[], VALUE out[], state) = -- satisfy each neighbour's need to know this cell's state PAR i = [0 FOR neighbours] link[out[i]] ! state : \goodbreak DEF set.state = 1, ask.state = 2, terminate = 3 : PROC cell(CHAN link[], VALUE in[], out[], CHAN control, sense) = -- calculate the state of a single cell on the board VAR state, instruction : SEQ state := dead -- the whole board starts off dead control ? instruction WHILE instruction <> terminate SEQ IF -- on instruction instruction = set.state control ? state -- accept a new state instruction = ask.state VAR next.state : SEQ -- or calculate the next state PAR broadcast.present.state(link, out, state) SEQ, in, state, next.state) sense ! (state <> next.state); next.state -- announce it to the controller state := next.state -- and move on a generation control ? instruction : \goodbreak DEF array.width = 50, array.height = 20 : DEF number.of.cells = array.height * array.width , number.of.links = neighbours * number.of.cells : PROC initialize(VALUE x, y, VAR in[], out[]) = -- initialize the link indirection arrays for the cell at x,y SEQ delta.x = [-radius FOR diameter] -- offset of neighbour SEQ delta.y = [-radius FOR diameter] -- in two dimensions VAR direction : -- -4 <= direction <= +4 SEQ direction := delta.x + (diameter * delta.y) IF direction <> 0 VAR index, process : SEQ -- select outgoing channel in this direction process := x + (array.width * y) index := (neighbours + direction) \\ (neighbours + 1) out[index] := index + (neighbours * process) -- and select the corresponding incoming channel process := ((x + delta.x + array.width) \\ array.width) + (array.width * ((y + delta.y + array.height) \\ array.height)) index := (neighbours - direction) \\ (neighbours + 1) in[index] := index + (neighbours * process) direction = 0 -- this cell is not its own neighbour SKIP : \goodbreak DEF control = NOT ((NOT 0) << 5), escape = control /\\ `[' : PROC move.cursor(CHAN screen, VALUE x, y) = -- move to column x of line y (of a VT52) screen ! escape; `Y'; `*s' + y; `*s' + x : PROC clear.screen(CHAN screen) = -- clear the screen (of a VT52) screen ! escape; `H' ; escape ; `J' : PROC initialize.display(CHAN screen) = -- display an entirely dead board clear.screen(screen) : PROC clean.up.display(CHAN screen) = -- move away from board move.cursor(screen, 0, array.height) : PROC display.state(CHAN screen, VALUE x, y, state) = -- display the state of one cell SEQ move.cursor(screen, x, y) IF state = alive -- live cells show as an asterisk screen ! `**' state = dead -- dead ones as a blank space screen ! `*s' : PROC generation(CHAN screen, control[], sense[], VAR active) = -- cause the colony on the board to move on one generation SEQ SEQ cell = [0 FOR number.of.cells] -- invite each cell control[cell] ! ask.state -- to make progress active := FALSE SEQ cell = [0 FOR number.of.cells] -- for each cell VAR changed, next.state : SEQ sense[cell] ? changed; next.state -- receive its new state IF changed -- and display it SEQ display.state(screen, cell \\ array.width, cell / array.width, next.state) active := TRUE NOT changed SKIP : \goodbreak PROC edit(CHAN keyboard, screen, control[]) = -- modify the colony on the board DEF ctrl = NOT ((NOT 0) << 5), otherwise = TRUE : DEF left.key = ctrl /\\ `H', right.key = ctrl /\\ `L', up.key = ctrl /\\ `K', down.key = ctrl /\\ `J', uproot.key = `*s', plant.key = `**' : VAR x, y, editing, ch : SEQ x := array.width / 2 -- set co-ordinates of cursor y := array.height / 2 -- to the centre of the board editing := TRUE WHILE editing SEQ move.cursor(screen, x, y) keyboard ? ch IF (ch = left.key) AND (x > 0) x := x - 1 (ch = right.key) AND (x < (array.width - 1)) x := x + 1 (ch = up.key) AND (y > 0) y := y - 1 (ch = down.key) AND (y < (array.height - 1)) y := y + 1 (ch = uproot.key) OR -- change the state of the (ch = plant.key) -- cell under the cursor VAR state : SEQ state := (dead /\\ (ch = uproot.key)) \\/ (alive /\\ (ch = plant.key)) control[x + (array.width * y)] ! set.state; state display.state(screen, x, y, state) (ch = `q') OR (ch = `Q') editing := FALSE otherwise -- ignore anything that is not understood SKIP : \goodbreak DEF idle = 1, editing = 2, single.stepping = 3, free.running = 4, terminated = 5 : PROC display.activity(CHAN screen, VALUE activity) = -- display state of the controller SEQ move.cursor(screen, array.width + 1, array.height / 2) -- move to a place off the right of the board IF activity = idle write.string(screen, "Idle") activity = editing write.string(screen, "Edit") activity = single.stepping write.string(screen, "Step") activity = free.running write.string(screen, "Busy") activity = terminated write.string(screen, "Done") : PROC new.activity(VAR activity, VALUE ch) = IF -- type `ch' on the keyboard \dots (ch = `q') OR (ch = `Q') -- \dots Q to finish the program activity := terminated (ch = `s') OR (ch = `S') -- \dots S to halt evolution activity := idle (ch = `e') OR (ch = `E') -- \dots E to start editing activity := editing (ch = `r') OR (ch = `R') -- \dots R to start evolution activity := free.running otherwise -- \dots or anything else for -- just one generation activity := single.stepping : \goodbreak PROC controller(CHAN keyboard, screen, control[], sense[]) = -- control the activity of the colony on the board -- under direction from the keyboard VAR activity : SEQ activity := idle initialize.display(screen) WHILE activity <> terminated SEQ display.activity(screen, activity) VAR ch : PRI ALT (activity <> editing) \& keyboard ? ch -- if not editing, type to change activity new.activity(activity, ch) (activity = editing) \& SKIP SEQ edit(keyboard, screen, control) activity := idle (activity = free.running) OR -- if evolving (activity = single.stepping) \& SKIP -- but nothing typed VAR changing : SEQ generation(screen, control, sense, changing) -- move on a generation IF (activity = single.stepping) OR (NOT changing) activity := idle (activity = free.running) AND changing SKIP display.activity(screen, activity) SEQ cell = [0 FOR number.of.cells] control[cell] ! terminate clean.up.display(screen) : CHAN link[number.of.links], control[number.of.cells], sense[number.of.cells] : PAR controller(keyboard, screen, control, sense) -- control process PAR x = [0 FOR array.width] -- board PAR y = [0 FOR array.height] VAR in[neighbours], out[neighbours] : SEQ initialize(x, y, in, out) cell(link, in, out, control[x+(array.width*y)], sense[x+(array.width*y)])